  • 學位論文


A Study of Female Consumer's Insurance Product Buying-Case Study:Female Exclusive Insurance Product

指導教授 : 胡宜仁


近年來隨著全球經濟環境的變化與社會結構的變遷,國民所得逐漸提升的現象,使得女性的生活型態與消費能力改變及市場成長率不斷上升。由於女性消費者在整體消費市場的重要性提升,行銷人員必須更精確的掌握女性消費者的心理需求及消費態度,而發展出最適的商品。而近年來保險市場上,由於女性的影響力日漸茁壯,並且在消費能力上及市場成長率不斷上升,使得女性市場成為保險公司更加重視的商機。因此,本研究將探討女性消費者行為特性,並利用市場區隔做歸納分析,以期能供保險業者擬定其行銷策略之參考。 本研究主要的研究目的在於:1.探討各集群女性消費者,在生活型態變數上的差異,並描繪各個區隔之特徵。2.探討各集群女性消費者,在人口統計變數上的差異,並描繪各個區隔之特徵。3.探討各集群女性消費者,在保險購買決策過程上的差異,並描繪各個區隔之特徵。 研究結果發現: 1.各集群女性消費者的生活型態與人口統計變數之分析,其結果顯示各集群之間具有顯著差異,因此在女性消費者市場中,可利用生活型態與人口統計變數進行有效的區隔,並且可規劃出最適的行銷策略。2.各集群女性消費者在購買決策上之分析,其結果顯示消費者決策變數在各集群之間具有顯著差異,因此不同的生活型態會影響女性進行消費時的決策過程。3.生活型態是整合個人價值觀及人格特質所產生的結果,此結果將影響其特定的購買決策,因此,可藉由女性的生活型態,了解女性在購買決策時會被影響的因素。


In recent years, global financial environment and society structures have changed. The sign of GDP per head has increased. Therefore the women’s lifestyle and spending habits have also developed to a higher class. As the result of it, it leads to a higher participation on either services or goods within the market. As above mentioned the market has paid more attention on women’s consumption habits. The sales have to be more precisely to capture the females’ needs and what they think of for the services and products. Thus it could lead to the most suitable products. In recent years of insurance market, the influence from women has grown more significant. This also applies to consumption and the proportion of between male and female in the market. This leads to insurance companies to concentrate on more about the female market. As the result of it, we are going to focus the study of women’s spending behaviors and also using the market segment to help the insurance firms to make the marketing strategy. The first main purpose of this study is to know the life style differences between different female groups and to give the overall view of each group. Secondly, to know the population statistics in each groups and this could lead to the overall picture of it. Thirdly, by knowing the differences of purchasing an insurance product in each group and this could lead to the picture of overall difference in each group. Study found: 1: Different life style and population statistics variables in each female group show that there is a significant differences between each group. Thus we could use the life style and population statistics variables in each group to make the differentiation and to give the most suitable marketing strategy. 2: With different female groups the decisions variables would influence the decisions. Thus different style would influence the stage of making the purchasing decision. 3: The life style is based on each single’s personal value and their personality and as the result of it would influence purchasing decisions. Thus by knowing the female’s life style we could know the factors that may influence them while they make the decisions.


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