  • 學位論文


The feminine relationship in the works of Murakami Haruki—Focusing on initialthree novel and『Dance Dance Dance』—

指導教授 : 曾秋桂


本論文設定了三個課題,並分成五章進行考察。第一章到第四章以透過村上春樹初期三部作與『舞.舞.舞』中的敘事者用回想與故事同時進行的方式,來考察作品中的「我」與女性關係。第五章則是針對此4部作品中的「我」與女性關係做整體比較,並探討其時代背景做為補充資料。 第一個課題是對村上春樹初期三部作與『舞.舞.舞』中的「我」與女性關係的考察。透過此考察將探討「我」是如何經由與女性的分離而受創,並透過自我療養進而到自我改革,以至於能邁向新的一步的過程來看「我」的自我成長。 第二個課題為探討敘事者如何用回想與故事同時進行的方式來連結「我」與女性關係的考察。透過此考察將探討「我」是如何透過「死」來連結世界以及「我」的成長過程是如何以五年一循環的模式來作進行。 第三個課題則是從故事時間與讀者接受的時代背景以補充資料的方式與作品做關聯上的探討。透過此考察來看村上春樹初期三部作與『舞.舞.舞』中「我」與女性關係所帶來之「愛」的意涵。


This research was consisted by three main subjects, which then been closely analyzed within a total of four chapters. The first chapter to four chapter was throughed recount who used the way that remember and the story carries on at the same time in the Murakami Haruki's initialthree novel and『Dance Dance Dance』, to investigate 〝I〞and feminine relationship. The five chapter was aimed at 〝I〞and feminine relationship in this 4 works to do a whole comparison. And inquire into its times background to be used as to add data. As a result, the first investigation subject was investigated〝I〞and feminine relationship in the Murakami Haruki's initialthree novel and『Dance Dance Dance』. Through this investigation will inquire into how 〝I〞 growthed through suffer by separated with female, then recuperate and self reform to head into a new life. The second investigation subject was investigated how recount who used the way that remember and the story carries on at the same time to connect 〝I〞and feminine relationship. Through this investigation will inquire into how 〝I〞 connect world by the 〝dead〞 and how 〝I〞's growth process was carried on with a mode of five years acirculate. The third investigation subject was investigate how connect the 4 works's times background with story's time and reader's accepts. Through this investigation will inquire into 〝I〞and feminine relationship and 〝love〞's meaning in the Murakami Haruki’s initialthree novel and『Dance Dance Dance』.


 の構造」『教育心理学研究』第30巻第1号 日本教育心理学会
 学 解釈と教材の研究』第33巻10号 学燈社
