  • 學位論文


Japan’s EPA Strategies Of Agriculture

指導教授 : 任燿廷


世界人口逐漸增加的現在,糧食不足逐漸成為一個檯面上的問題,尤其對已開發國家來說,由於國內大部分都是以二、三級產業佔大多數的緣故,第一級產業也就逐漸沒落,進而導致國內生產及供應不足的問題。而要打破此現況,就必須靠國際貿易來進口農產品以緩和國內農業不足的問題。   世界貿易組織(WTO)成立之後加入許多以農產品出口的開發中會員國家,為求國內農產品能夠擴大出口而與其他國家形成爭議,導致農業談判進度落後,於是各國紛紛獨自與其他國家或地域簽訂自由貿易協定(FTA)來打破當時自由國際貿易無法進步的僵局。其中日本在此風潮中屬於非農業出口大國的緣故,如何在簽署FTA的同時思考其農業相關策略(保護、開放)就成為該國重要的議題之一。   另外在東亞中如韓國及台灣也擁有跟日本類似的產業背景,因此日本的農業策略將如何進行,也會成為這些國家的範本,所代表的意義十分重要。   本研究即以日本國內對於FTA簽署的態度、日本農業問題及其FTA農業國際化對應部份做一個整理及探討,並進而提出與農業出口大國:澳洲交涉FTA時的相關部分作整理,將日本的農業國際策略的例子用來作為其他國家的一個參考。


The world’s population gradually increasing, scarcity of food became an important issue now. Especially for composing by the second and third level of industry’s developed countries, because the first level of industry is disappearing. And which will cause the problem of produce and supply. If they want to break this problem, they must rely on international trading for importing agricultural products to improve the nation’s agriculture. After the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO), there are so many agricultural exports mainly development countries to join it. And they only want to expand their exports, so that was a dispute with non-agricultural exports mainly developed countries. It also caused the agricultural negotiations progress backward. As a result, so many countries have signed with other countries or regions by Free Trade Agreement (FTA) to break the difficult of international trade. In this wave of unrest, Japan the non-agricultural exporting country will face the problem of opening the agriculture or not. In addition, in East Asia such as Korea and Taiwan have similar industrial background with Japan, so how Japan’s strategies of agriculture proceeding in the future will become a model for calligraphy for them. The objective of this research is what strategy for signing FTA in Japan, the problem of agriculture in Japan, and the Japan’s international agriculture strategy. Finally confer the Japan’s FTA with farm-exporting nation: Australia. This FTA will be the classic sample for other country.


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4.洪堯昆(2011) <台灣與日本糧食政策之比較分析研究─以糧食安全測與相關措施為例>,淡江大學日本研究所碩士論文
1.WTO, ” Evolution of Regional Trade Agreements in the world, 1948-2011”,


鄔嫣珊(2013)。ECFA 農業早收清單後續談判之分析〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2013.10708

