  • 學位論文

蒲公英的旅行見聞── 旭日國小發展學校特色課程與課程領導之敘事探究

A Journey of Dandelion: A Narrative Inquiry of Feature Curriculum Development and Curriculum Leadership at Sunrise Elementary School

指導教授 : 薛雅慈


本研究主要目的有四個,首先瞭解旭日國小發展特色課程的背景與脈絡,再來探究該校推行特色課程的歷程與理念,然後探討該校發展特色課程的策略與成效,最後將我的所見所聞透過敘說的方式進行省思與對話,檢視在研究的過程中,身為課程教學實踐者、教育政策與領導系所研究生以及特色課程觀察者的我覺知到了什麼。 本研究以文件分析、觀察與訪談為研究技巧,與學校前後二任校長、四位主任、二位教師進行訪談,發現:旭日國小於二十二年前面臨廢校危機,發展特色課程是時勢所逼,由於教育改革思維開化的早,因此在九年一貫課程推行之初即獲得「九年一貫標竿學校」的殊榮,學校發展特色課程是時勢所趨,化被動為主動。 旭日國小學校願景為自然、體驗、學習、生活,並且以愛為核心,堅守教育本質──以學生為主體,善用學校自然環境優勢彌補校地有限之劣勢,發展特色課程是以學生學習為出發點。此外旭日國小成員間默契良好、氣氛和諧,秉持傳承與創新的使命來經營學校,合署辦公環境有助成員溝通、協調與合作。校長、主任、教師皆有課程領導的能力與作為,課程的評鑑乃以家長的回饋及學生能力的展現為依歸,尤其是學生成長之後的表現。 在這裡,我看到旭日國小校長、主任、老師們為了學生的學習,不惜付出許多時間與心力發展學校特色課程,彼此相互支援,不會計較誰做得多或少,「累在其中,也樂在其中」,使我對於過去自身所見的偏誤產生省思與對話的機會,我……也從中得到成長了!


The study will be mapped out into four sections. Firstly, the school’s background of feature curriculum development shall be illustrated. Also, it is essential to learn the motif in implementing the policy of feature curriculum development. Moreover, both of the strategy and efficacy of feature curriculum development are about to be discussed in detail. For the last section, I would like to demonstrate my journey by narration including reflections as well as dialogues. As a consequence, I “realized” what I learned through the journey. With the help of documentary analysis, observation, and interviewing as well as the interviews among the latest two principals, four chiefs, and two teachers, I find out that the features curriculum development is a compulsory reform because the school in question is on the verge of being closed 20 years ago. Due to the pioneering advocacy of the education reform, Sunrise elementary school unexpectedly has even been awarded the prize for “Leading School” at the beginning of Grade 1-9 Integrated Curriculum implementation. Sunrise elementary school in essence is student-oriented. And, the school’s vision not only lies in experiencing, learning and living with nature, but also focuses on the value of “Love.” Along with the student-oriented cultivation, Sunrise elementary school also knows how to balance out the value between “strength (natural environment)” and “weakness (limited campus space).” In addition, the harmonious or innovative aura among the faculty is effective in managing Sunrise Elementary School. It is believed that no mission is impossible to this school. “Office under One Roof” is another method in enforcing communication, coordination, and cooperation. The principal, chiefs, and teachers all have the ability of curriculum leadership to frame learning programs. Mostly important, the students’ performance, particularly the post-learned performance, and parents’ feedback are top priorities. At Sunrise eementary school, nothing is self-centeredness but generous devotion to students’ learning, even to develop features curriculum. “Ardent teaching and joyful learning” are what Sunrise Elementary School has represented. Without Sunrise elementary school, I may not be able to escape from the bias of in-depth confusion and sense of powerlessness against education. I’ve really grasped a lot beyond the price.




