  • 學位論文


The Study of Feasibity of Implementing All-Voluntary System in Taiwan

指導教授 : 邱志淳


面對我國近年因台灣政治民主、社會環境的快速變遷,兩岸情勢丕變,從社會大眾不願服兵役或役期縮短等民情期望與要求,調整我國兵役制度的呼聲,時有所聞,爭議不斷、紛擾多時的全募兵制,國防部在民國100年12月31日有了明確的宣示,未來配合「募兵制」推動,也將會逐年招募素質高、意願強的志願役人力加入國軍。本研究所欲達到的主要目的:檢視我國兵役制度現況推動擴大募兵之不利因素及提出未來相關配套措施。 本研究主要以質化為研究途徑,探討分析我國現階段推行募兵制度可行性,並運用文獻分析法、訪談法,瞭解當前兵役制度的決策過程,我國募兵制度的規劃,及推動募兵制相關面向可行性分析;兵役制度變革,涉及的範圍極廣,影響層面深遠,攸關國家整體國防安全,我國推行募兵制度不論係以專業分析來面對,亦或配合民意獲得選票利益之決策,國防部身為受命執行單位,應有完整確實的規劃與評估流程,對於國防安全、政府財政、兵力規模等皆能滿足時,才是實施募兵制度的適當時機。


Taiwan has been facing the swift transition of political democracy and social environment. The cross-Strait relations changed a lot.In accordance with the expectation and request for unwilling to military service and cutting down the time in the military, the voice for adjusting the recruiting system has gradually ascended. The planned complete drafting system has become a controversial and tumult issue unceasingly.On Dec 31th, 2011, the Ministry of Defense had definitely declared to draft high quality and strong willing man power to join military year after year.The main purpose of this study is checking the unfavorable factors of broadened drafting system nowadays and supporting a feasible solution for this problem. This study adopt the qualitative method to be the research path. We also understand the decision making process of current recruiting and drafting system, the programming of drafting system and feasibility analysis for related factors of promoting drafting system through literature analysis and interviewing method. The transform of recruiting system and drafting system involves a lot of issues on the wide scope related to national defense and security. According to professional analysis for promoting drafting system or the decision making by public opinion and vote, MOD is a performing unit which is in charge of complete programming and evaluation process. The best opportunity for fulfilling the drafting system is the satisfaction for the requirement of national defense and security, government finances and scale of military strength.


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