  • 學位論文

兩岸人民通婚之現況分析 —以桃園縣境陸配取得國籍再婚為例-

Analysis on the effect of cross-strait Marriage –taking Mainland spouses who are remarried after acquiring ROC nationality in Taoyuan for example

指導教授 : 潘錫堂
共同指導教授 : 龔春生


臺灣是一個移民社會,除了臺灣的原住民族以外,其他的族群與群體都是屬於外來民族,由於早期的移民是以漢人移民為主,因此磨合的過程與適應的時間相對來說都比較容易。但自從1987年政府宣布開放臺灣人民赴大陸地區探親以來,兩岸人民互動頻繁,結婚案例亦急遽增加,這些來自彼岸的女性婚姻移民,雖然在語言上與臺灣人沒有太大差異,但因當前兩岸之間處於緊張對立的局面,使得她們成為政治上的受害者,種種政策束縛著她們在臺灣的生活與發展。 馬總統2008年主政後,陸委會為了賦予大陸配偶應有的公平權益,也為了落實馬總統的移民政策,秉持「反歧視」、「民主國家的法治原則」、「保障真實婚姻的大陸配偶在臺生活基本權益」、「假結婚應杜絕於外」四項原則,並多次與婚姻移民及人權團體溝通,也邀集相關機關開會研商,修正「臺灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例」,調整大陸配偶制度,對於大陸配偶的權益提供更完善保障。當然,兩岸男女結婚是美事,但假若假結婚之名,再申請入境探親,而從事賣淫或其他不法活動,則又對臺灣社會影響至鉅。多年以來,面對大陸地區人民以合法、非法方式入境臺灣從事非法活動,對於我國之社會治安確實產生了不良之影響,政府除了面臨人口組成改變所引起的移民法規、社會福利、個人或家庭權益等等需求與考量之外,如何在這樣的移民潮下,有效管理移民人口並防制犯罪事件的發生,為目前重要的課題。 本研究藉由文獻分析法、深度訪談法等方法,透過研讀相關文獻資料與統計數據的分析,探討兩岸自1987年以來通婚之動機與發展歷程、大陸配偶來臺制度的沿革及大陸配偶來臺後的適應問題,進而瞭解大陸配偶婚嫁來臺之現況與所衍生的相關問題。 為了因應與日俱增的移民業務,內政部設「入出國及移民署」以統一事權,並於96年2月1日成立運作,以原有的入出境管理局工作為基礎,整合僑務委員會、內政部戶政司、警政署(外事組、外事警官隊、航空警察局及各港務警察局查驗隊、各縣市警察局外事課、陸務課、保安警察)等業務,掌理移民署組織法第二條相關事項。 其次,以桃園縣專勤隊為例,實地針對基層面談之移民官及轄內已取得定居身分之大陸配偶及其家庭進行實地訪談,分析大陸配偶來臺面談的意義與實際效果與大陸配偶來臺後的適應問題及解決之道。最後結論,將研究兩岸通婚所發現的問題提出建議,並探討如何建構兩岸通婚的未來發展。


Taiwan is an immigrant society, except Taiwan aborigines, other tribes and groups are all foreign race. Due to Han people were the main immigrants in earlier period, the process of adjustment and the period of adaptation are much easier comparatively. But since the government declared that Taiwan begin allowing citizens to visit their relatives in China in 1987, cross-strait interactions have increased, and the cross-strait marriage are also increased rapidly. Although there are no huge difference between Taiwanese and female marriage immigrants from mainland china in languages, they became victims in politics in such a tense and conflicting situation. All kinds of policies restrict their life and development in Taiwan. After President Ma was in power in 2008, in order to further protect the rights and interests of Mainland spouses living in Taiwan and carry out President Ma’s platform on immigration, which advocates giving “marriage immigrants humanitarian treatment and the right to employment protection,” the Mainland Affairs Council upholds four principles, including “anti-prejudice,” “the rule of law principle in democratic countries,” “protection of basic rights and interests of real marriage Mainland spouses living in Taiwan,” and “eradication of false marriages.” MAC communicates with marriage immigrants and human rights group frequently, negotiates with relevant agencies to amend the law “Act Governing Relations Between The People Of The Taiwan Area And The Mainland Area” and adjust the mainland spouses system, provided the rights of mainland spouses better protection. However, if they apply for entering Taiwan to visit their relatives by marriage fraud, and do prostitution or other illegal activities that really influence our society so much. Over the past years, it made a bad impact on our public security when facing mainland people do illegal activities by legal or illegal way to immigrate to Taiwan. Our government has to face the changes of demographic composition in immigration laws, social welfare, personal or family basic rights. How to manage immigrants and prevent crime efficiently is the most important lessons so far in this immigrant wave. The purpose of this study is through literature analysis, depth interviews, and empirical research methods to explore the motives of cross-strait marriage, the development process since 1987, and the history of the mainland spouse system. Moreover, understand the current status of mainland spouses and its related issues. In order to deal with the increasing immigration business, National Immigration Agency was established on February 1th, 2007. NIA’s functions and powers are based on the border control subject to the former Immigration Bureau and businesses related to immigration from the Council of the Overseas Chinese Affairs and the Department of Population under the Ministry of the Interior. The NIA also encompasses partial duties of the Foreign Affairs Division of the National Police Agency, the Foreign Affairs and Mainland Affairs Sections of the Police Bureaus nationwide, the Document Examination Brigades of the Aviation and Harbor Police Offices, and Special Police First, Fourth, and Fifth Headquarters. Taking Taoyuan county special operation brigade for example, do the field interview to immigration officers who are in charge of basic interview and Mainland spouses who has already got the qualification for permanent residency. Furthermore, analyzing the meaning of the interviews for Mainland spouses and the problem of living adaptation of mainland spouses in Taiwan. Finally, recommending the problem found in the cross-strait marriage, and exploring how to construct the future development of the cross-strait marriage.




