  • 學位論文


The integration and design of the information and video surveillance system of automobile repair and maintenance workshop

指導教授 : 蔣璿東


不管是汽車銷售市場還是汽車維修市場,目前的汽車市場競爭非常激烈,從市區或郊區的汽車銷售或是維修服務廠的密度可見一般,在現今汽車市場處處微利的時代,如何有效管理各個維修廠,整合資源以降低成本,尤其在這不景氣的環境,就顯得格外重要。 本研究將探討如何以顧客關係管理及知識管理等方法導入汽車維修系統,在顧客車輛進廠維修時,進行顧客相關資料蒐集後進行資料的分析,分析出顧客的行為模式,可針對有相關需求的顧客推出相關促銷或優惠等措施,達到增加企業收益、降低企業成本及提昇顧客忠誠度等效益;另於系統維修訓練及郵件討論管理功能方面以電子化教育訓練方式,對於員工的教育訓練、經驗傳承及提昇車廠競爭力等方面有所助益,使系統更為完善。


Whether car sales market or car repair market, the current market is very competitive car from the city or the suburbs or service factory car sales density seen in general, everywhere in today's automotive market profit era, how to effectively manage the various maintenance plant, integration of resources to reduce costs, especially in this recession environment, it is particularly important. This research will explore how a customer relationship management and knowledge management systems and other methods to import car repair, vehicle into the plant in customer servicing, customer-related data collection conducted after the data analysis, analysis of customer behavior patterns can focus on the relevant requirements customer launched related promotions or discounts and other measures, to increase profitability, reduce costs and enhance customer loyalty and other benefits; another maintenance training on the system and mail discuss management functions electronically training methods, training for staff, experience heritage and enhance the competitiveness of other aspects of the depot helpful make the system more perfect.


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