  • 學位論文


The study of Sustainable Water Resources in Northern Taiwan.

指導教授 : 王士紘


本研究範圍以台灣北部為主,本區水資源因雨量豐沛且流量豐枯比約為6比4,較為平均,且現有蓄水設施容量亦堪稱充足,且基礎設施較為完善。但此地區亦有缺水高風險區如桃園及新竹地區,為使水資源供需平衡,如何運用現有之水資源設施及開發新興水資源為本研究討論之重要議題。 本研究以不抽取地下水為原則,因抽取地下水可能會造成地成下陷等不可回復之問題,其次,推估出未來10年北部地區各需水量,包括:生活用水、產業用水、農業用水及保育用水之各類成長,並參考國內外之新興水資源指標(包含:新興攔河堰、海水淡化廠、新生水廠、自來水管線汰舊換新、雨水收集等)利用上述之供水指標供水量平衡需水指標之需水量並推估其成本,建立模式後代入LINGO模擬,討論是否滿足整體達到供需平衡,再計算其所耗費之最小成本。以不計成本的方式估算新興水資源及修復漏水率等相關問題所耗費之最佳成本效益,提供政府未來對於北部地區水資源利用之最佳策略。


The purpose of this study focus on mainly in northern Taiwan, the area of water resources more evenly due to abundant rainfall and the ratio of Wet and Dry about 6 to 4, sufficient capacity of existing storage facilities and infrastructure more complete. However, this area also have High-risk water-scarce regions such as Taoyuan and Hsinchu area, for the water supply and demand balance, how to use existing facilities and the development of new water resources as an important topic of discussion. In this study, the principle is non-extraction of groundwater, estimate the northern region of the water demand next 10 years. Reference emerging Water Resource indicators in domestic and overseas including: Emerging Diversion Weir, desalination plants, new water, replace old water pipeline new ones, rainwater harvesting, etc. Estimate the cost to build simulation models offspring into LINGO software to discuss whether to meet the overall demand for water, calculate the cost of their minimum cost. And the way that estimate the cost and repair water leakage rate emerging issues is related to the cost of the most cost-effective, providing the government that water use for the northern region of the optimal strategy in the future.


1.IPCC(2007)。Fourth Assessment Report。
2.Wayne L. Winston. (1997). User's guide for LINDO and LINGO, windows versions. Wadsworth Publishing Company。
3.Public Utilities Board(2009),「Deep Tunnel Sewerage System (DTSS)」,Water for All Conserve, Value, Enjoy。


