  • 學位論文


The Design of an Air Duct Cleaning Wheeled Robot

指導教授 : 楊智旭


本研究的目的是設計一部適合國內風管的探索與清潔機器人,以改善作業環境的通風品質,維護人體健康。隨著國內勞工對作業環境空氣品質的要求隨之增加,而通風管線為影響室內空氣品質的重要因素之一。通風管線自裝設後幾乎從未進行清潔維護,主要的原因即在於風管管線為封閉型,所以各式工具很難進入清潔維護。 目前國外針對風管管線之清潔維護經常使用自動裝置或機器人(Robot)來進行內部探勘及清潔,其體積通常較大,重量也較重,適合國外之大樓風管清潔使用,且售價與製作成本高昂。本論文擬設計與製作一台風管探索與清潔機器人,使其能藉即時影像辨識系統進行探索與清潔決策判斷,並使用於國內之風管管線內部進行清潔任務。研究的項目分有五項,包括:(1)機器人之移動平台設計,(2)清潔機構模組設計,(3)控制電路設計,(4)人機介面設計,(5)機械手臂機構設計。 本研究將可提高風管清潔維護之可行性與效率。此外,可以降低機器人之製作成本,讓台灣的通風管線清潔維護普及化,讓室內環境的空氣品質得以確保,提升國內勞工之工作效率。


The objective of this research is to design and implement a duct exploration cleaning robot to maintain the duct. Industry ventilation is always considered a solution of improving the chemistry damage to the operational environment. The requirement of the air quality of the operational environment is more and more important than industry ventilation system. In the literature review, most of them focused on system mechanism design. It seldom mentioned how to clean it. Normally, the duct is not cleaned after the installation due to the closed form configuration. The main reason is that the cleaning tools can not get into the duct easily. Nowadays, the imported auto-cleaning equipments or robots of foreign are used to investigate and clean the duct. But these equipments or robots are too heavy and the size is too huge to operate. For these reasons, the imported equipments or robots are expensive and not suitable for the domestic duct in Taiwan. The research works of this thesis are: (1) the movement platform of the duct cleaning robot, (2) the cleaning mechanism of robot, (3) the control circuit of the robot, (4) the control interface of the robot and (5) the gripper arm of the duct cleaning robot. The purpose of this research is to design a duct exploration and cleaning robot for the domestic duct and reduce the cost of robot. The performance of the ventilation system will be increased as well and the cleaning operation for the duct will became more popular in Taiwan.


[3] 行政院環境保護署室內空氣品質資網站:
[11] 李松穎,履帶式風管清潔機器人之機構設計,淡江大學機械與
[2] SirpaKolari, Ulla Heikkila-Kallio, Marianna Luoma, Pertti Pasanen, PirjoKorhonen, ErkkiNykyri, Kari Reijula. “The Effect of Duct Cleaning on Perceived Work Environment and Symptoms of Office Employees in Non-problem Buildings, ”
[7] 勞工安全衛生法,第三章,行政院勞工委員會,民國93年。
[10] 葉書瑞,風管清潔機器人之機構設計與研發,淡江大學機械與
