  • 學位論文


A research on China’s current strategy and related measures to the South China Sea

指導教授 : 郭建中 范錦明


南海地區因蘊含豐富的天然資源,且是國際重要的航道之一,因此,一直是國際強權所覬覦的區域。現今隨著東南亞國家國力日益茁壯、南海油氣資源漸次探明、開採,區域外大國為自身利益而介入南海問題,以及南海主權聲索國對中國崛起的疑慮,並且紛紛利用東協組織,或引進美、日等大國勢力以對抗中國區域強權等,均使得南海紛爭逐漸白熱化。近年來,南海問題可說是中國大陸所必須面對的一個全新的挑戰,其南海政策從鄧小平時代的「擱置爭議、共同開發」到胡錦濤時代的「主權屬我、擱置爭議、共同開發」,並且將南海列為中國的核心利益;由此可知,中國大陸在南海的政策作為上,已逐漸轉趨強硬,甚至到了無可退讓的地步。 中國大陸自改革開放以來,隨著經濟的發展,國力漸增,其對海洋安全戰略,也逐漸置重在充分利用海洋資源、追求海洋經濟安全方面,並且將盡力維護海洋經濟利益列為第一優先。然而,其所面對的不只是南海主權聲索國等相關國家,且還包含在其背後支持的大國勢力,因此,本文從南海對中國大陸的戰略價值及南海主權聲索國之政策立場等觀點進行分析,以瞭解當前中國大陸在南海的戰略作為,及區域外大國的政策反應等,藉以提供我國因應作為之參考。


Controlling important international shipping lanes and rich in natural resources, the South China Sea (SCS) has been a disputed territory among international powers. Especially due to the economic growth of the Southeast Asian nations, the recent exploration of gas in this area, and intentions to introduce international powers, like USA and Japan, and using ASEAN as platform to counterbalance China’s raising power from other relevant claimants in SCS, the dispute has become a flashpoint with global consequences and brings up a tough challenge to China. Over the past years, it has been seen that China’s policy on SCS has shifted from Deng Xiaoping’s “setting aside disputes and pursuing joint development” to Hu Jintao’s “the sovereignty belonging to China, setting aside disputes and pursuing joint development” ,and claiming SCS as China’s core interest, which indicates China’s increasingly unyielding attitude towards SCS. Since its economic opening up and growing nation power, making the best use of marine resources, and pursuing marine economic security have been emphasized as China’s marine safety strategies, among which maintaining marine economic interests is the first priority. However, to achieve the goals above, China does not only have to deal with its southeast neighbors claiming the sovereignty but also the powers hidden behind. As a result, this paper analyze SCS’s strategic value to China and the attitudes of nations claiming sovereignty so as to understand China’s current SCS strategies and the policies of other major powers outside this region and provide Taiwan’s government with reference for countermeasures.


5.中國國務院辦公室,《2008年中國的國防》,(北京:中華人民共和國國務院辦公室,2009 年)
6.中國國務院辦公室,《2010年中國的國防》,(北京:中華人民共和國國務院辦公室,2011 年)
18.陳鴻瑜,《美國、中國和東協三方在南海之角力戰》,遠景基金會季刊,第十二卷第一期,2011 年1 月,頁57。
19.陳鴻瑜,《舊金山和約下西沙和南沙群島之領土歸屬問題》,遠景基金會季刊,第十二卷第四期,2011 年10 月,頁1。


