  • 學位論文


The Operating Strategy of A Home-delivery Company:The case of President Transnet Corp.

指導教授 : 黃振豊 孔繁華


宅配產業源自於日本,是指「配送到家」的運輸服務,在日本發展已相當久也相當的成功,2000年國內年多家業者相繼引進宅配服務,宅配產業進入台灣市場後,解決了商品到消費者之間的配送問題,消費者可以透過電視購物、網路購物等虛擬通路,隨時隨地採購到生活上所需的商品,而商家也可擴大銷售通路,將商品銷售到全國各地,這種便利的購物方式逐漸改變了消費者的購買習慣,帶動無店面零售業的興起,也衍生出宅配產業的龐大商機。 本研究以統一速達為研究主體,了解宅配產業的演進與發展經過,分析台灣宅配產業的經營環境,採用個案研究方式進行,透過深度訪談、次級資料蒐集等方法,探討統一速達在企業成長過程中,面對外在的產業環境以及公司內部環境的變化,各個階段的經營策略與經營績效,並作出結論。 經個案分析後,歸納下列結論:宅配產業引進台灣後,雖然歷經整體經濟成長率下滑,但創新的服務帶動消費的需求,使宅配產業在不景氣中仍快速的發展。宅配服務因需仰賴大量的人力作業,而隨著服務越趨多樣化,人員的作業也愈來愈複雜,統一速達強調全員經營的策略,因此在人員的教育訓練、薪資制度、績效評核制度、升遷管道等,都需有良好的規劃與制度,以提升人員整體的素質。企業的經營策略在於因應經營環境的變化,而現今企業面對的經營環境,變化越來越快速,因此必需持續不斷的衡量環境的變化,調整經營策略,以維持企業的永續經營,而要達成企業經營策略的目標,重點在於執行力,擬定具體得行動方案,讓策略能落實執行。


Home-delivery industry which originated in Japan, refers to collect and deliver parcels to home services. The industry has long been grown for successfully in Japan. In 2000, many Taiwanese companies have introduced the home-delivery service into the domestic market. It resolved the long-standing problem of the distribution of goods to consumers. Consumer now can purchase daily goods at anytime, anywhere by virtual channel such as TV shopping, online shopping, etc. Business can also expand its sales channels by selling goods all over the country. This convenient way of shopping gradually changed the buying habits of consumers and led to the growing of the non-store retailing industry and enormous business opportunities. This thesis is based on a case study of the President Transnet Corporation. The purpose of the thesis is to understand the evolution and development of home-delivery industry in Taiwan. This study utilized techniques such as secondary in-depth interviews and data collection to analyze business strategies and operating performance in the various stages of business growth process and drawing the conclusions. Following conclusions are formed from the case study analyses: After introducing the home-delivery industry into Taiwan, the service innovation has driven consumption demand and boosted the rapid growth of the home-delivery industry even in the recession period. The home-delivery services requires large number of workers. To handle more complex business processes, supporting the increasingly-diversified services, the President Transnet Co. emphasizes on the strategy of all employees’ participation management. The company must design and plan proper training and education, compensation, performance appraisal system and employee promotion in order to enhance the overall quality of personnel. The purpose of business strategy is to respond to the change of business environment. Coping with rapidly changing in business environment, companies must continuously adjust business strategy to maintain sustainability. To achieve the objectives of its operating strategy, the company should pay attention on the implementation of strategy with a concrete action plans that is executed.


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