  • 學位論文


Inquiring Germany Unite Euro Area after European Debt Crisis by Mechanism Design Theory

指導教授 : 郭秋慶


機制設計理論做為分析研究的理論基礎。首先,機制設計理論是從賽局理論所延伸出來,在機制中所發生的策略均衡需要使用五種工具做分析,界定賽局參賽者(Players)、附加價值(Added Value)、規則(Rule)、戰術(Tactics)與範圍(Scope),在本文中簡稱PARTS。 而賽局理論中的這些工具將用來探討各個歐元區的國家如何在一個機制的限制和規範下,在極大化自身利益的同時,也滿足了機制設計者的利益,所以討論重點會圍繞在如何分析德國如何在動態的賽局中,設計一個機制以滿足各方的利益,也滿足自身利益。 賽局理論中的均衡,就是在賽局中各方的參與者在極大化自身利益過程中所能達到的最大限度,而處於一種只要有一方希望追求更大的利益時,當整體均衡被破壞時,這個參與者的利益並不會隨著擴大利益的舉措而增加,利益反而會下降,在這種情況下參與者經過理性的思考後,就會減少冒偏離均衡的風險。 本文將機制設計理論套用進歐債危機後的歐元區,是因為歐元區國家在經歷這場災難後,紛紛反思如何從根本上避免將來再發生類似的問題。


European debt crisis stretch to almost any countries which involve in Euro area. Every countries in Euro area that give their right of currency to European central bank, so they do not have the ability to save their countries’economics by devaluing their value of currency. In this time, any countries’relationship is closer than before, because every one can not just protect their own interest, one countries’economics will affect other member of Euro. However, there are no any method to unite the fiscal policies. They merely offer the currency to European central bank, but European central bank can not have the right to intervene any countries’fiscal policies in Euro area. After Euro crisis, the members of Euro area have realized they only have two methods to solve the problem. The first one is to quit from Euro area, the other is to unite closer than before. Mechanism design solve two problem in a group. The first is to make the information share for every countries in Euro area to reduce the misunderstand between members. The second is to offer motivation for every member’desire to unite together.


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