  • 學位論文


Application of Supply Chain Management to Enhance Trade Competitiveness of Research–A Case Study on Company T

指導教授 : 林志鴻
共同指導教授 : 賴錦璋(Chin-Chang Lai)


企業在面臨快速變遷的經濟環境,在2012年仍然持續的歐債危機及經濟成長率不如預期,全球貿易成長下滑導致保護主義升溫,全球商品價格維持盤整,大型零售商持續成長並挾其採購優勢掀起低價戰爭,讓小型零售商被倂購或是消失,此種情況也促成大型供應商的掘起並與貿易商競逐相同的客戶。因之傳統貿易商不能僅做為一個中介商的角色,而必須要能利用其優勢提升自身的附加價值與競爭力,應用最適業務策略站穩在貿易產業中的地位。 本研究以台灣地區第一大的貿易公司為個案研究對象,參考Lin and Pao(2004)所提出之策略管理架構,分析個案公司內部環境、外部產業環境及總體環境的影響,以其優勢劣勢歸納出T公司競爭策略形成之要因。研究結果顯示,在內部環境為「部門整合、強化以顧客為導向的服務創新品質」,在外部產業環境為「深耕主要客戶、開發新產品」,在總體環境為「建立財務平台、篩選優質廠商」。綜合以上因素分析,個案貿易公司可經由「應用供應鏈管理並提供客戶完整服務」達成其「成為亞洲地區耐久性家居用品的優質貿易公司」。建議在未來T公司可朝「成立供應鏈管理掌控專案」、「制定聯合採購策略」、「嚴密控管供應鏈成本」、「有效管理核心客戶,充份掌控客戶下單狀況與市場需求」、「主要供應商與次要供應商的管理,做好供應商關係管理」來考量並調整其策略。


Enterprises are facing the economic environment that changes fast, still lasting Eurozone debt crisis and economic growth rate are not so good as expectancy in 2012, it causes protectionism to intensify that international trade glides, the price consolidation of global commodity remains, the large-scale retailer continues to grow up with the advantage of bargaining power and raises the price war, the smaller retailers either are merged by the larger retailer or close down, this kind of situation facilitates or brings up the breakout of large-scale suppliers and they often participate in the same competition as the trader. Thus, the traditional trader can be not only as one of intermediaries but also can utilize advantages to improve its added value and strong competitiveness, employ the optimum business strategy to stand firm in the position in the trade industry. This research regards the biggest trading company in Taiwan area as a case study, consult Lin and Pao (2004) tactics management framework put forward, analyze the effect of the internal environment, the external industry environment and the macro environment, on the basis of its advantages and disadvantages to generalize the factors of competitive strategies of Company T. The result of study reveals, in the internal environment for “sector integration, strengthens the customer-oriented service quality”, it is at the industry environment for “cultivate actively major customers, new product development”, at the macro environments for “financial platform establishment, select superior vendors”. Synthesize the above factor analysis; the trading company of the case can be via “supply chain management application to enhance trade competitiveness and offer a total solution to the customer”, reaching its mission statement “the greatest leading trading company of household hard goods merchandise in Asia”. Propose Company T can towards for “establish the project management of supply chain management”, “develop join procurement strategy”, “control and manage the cost of supply chain”, “administer the key accounts effectively, adequate to control the status of each order and market demand for customers” and “well management of main suppliers and secondary suppliers, reinforce supplier relationship management” to consider the adjustments of its future tactics.




郭俊麟(2017)。化學貿易業如何提升持續競爭優勢?- 以C公司為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201700090
