  • 學位論文


A Study on Factors Affecting the Entrepreneurship of Taiwan SMEs

指導教授 : 胡名雯


根據台灣《2012年中小企業白皮書》顯示,中小企業對台灣經濟的貢獻日趨不減,猶如湧泉源源不斷地釋放出其獨有的活力。同時阿爾弗雷德•馬歇爾(Alfred Marshall)曾將一個產業比作一座森林,而企業就如其中的樹木——誕生、成長、死亡,如此反復。由此,本文旨在以產業經濟學的角度去發現影響台灣製造業部門中小企業“誕生”的因素,抱持見微知著的態度去探討影響中小企業創業家精神的相關因素。 本文主要採用行政院主計處2006年工商及服務業普查原始資料及報告,從新興中小企業企業單位家數佔產業企業單位總數的比例和新興中小企業生產淨額之和佔產業企業生產淨額之和的比例兩個不同的方面來衡量中小企業創業家精神,希冀能夠更全面地發現影響中小企業創業家精神的因素。 本文的研究結果大致與先前的相關研究的結果相一致,比如發現產業獲利率、租用及借用固定資產比例、中小企業相對勞動生產力、中小企業相對雇傭人數、中小企業多元化率對中小企業創業家精神有正向影響,而資本密集度、企業平均雇傭人數、企業平均年齡、三角貿易比例、每家企業單位平均環保支出以及每家企業單位平均投資對中小企業有負向影響。這表明不同於以往的研究,本文以新興中小企業企業單位家數佔產業企業單位總數的比例以及新興中小企業生產淨額之和佔產業企業生產淨額之和的比例來作為被解釋變量是比較合適的。


Abstract: According to "2012 White Paper On SMEs In Taiwan”, the contribution of SMEs to Taiwan's economy is enormous, as if the springs continuously releasing its unique vitality. Meanwhile Alfred Marshall once compared an industry to a forest and regarded the companies as the trees - birth, growth, death, again and again. Thus, this paper mean to from the perspective of industrial economics in order to discover the impact of Taiwan's manufacturing sector SMEs "born" factor, to explore the impact of small and medium entrepreneurship relevant factors. This paper mainly uses 2006 Commerce and Service Census raw data and reports. SMEs entrepreneurship is measured by two different ways: the number of emerging SMEs accounted for the total number of industrial enterprises and the net production of emerging SMEs accounted for the net production of industrial enterprises, hoping to find a more comprehensive impact on small and medium entrepreneurship factor. The results of this study generally consistent with previous studies, the results show industry profitability, the proportion of hiring fixed assets , the relative productivity of labor, the relative number of employment, the diversification rate of SMEs has a positive effect on the SMEs entrepreneurship, while the capital intensity, the average number of employment of every enterprise, the average age of enterprise, the proportion of triangular trade, the average environmental expenses of every enterprise and the average investment of every enterprise has a negative impact on SMEs entrepreneurship. This indicates that unlike previous studies, this paper uses the number of emerging SMEs accounted for the total number of industrial enterprises and the net production of emerging SMEs accounted for the net production of industrial enterprises to measure SMEs entrepreneurship is relatively appropriate.


SMEs Entry rate Entrepreneurship




