  • 學位論文


A study of business communication expenses-the case of business customers in T Telecom Corporation

指導教授 : 黃明達


電信業者在市場有限的台灣,不論個人或企業之電信用戶都已趨近飽和,擴展客戶相當不易,為增加營收應著重在如何從現有用戶產生附加價值,反觀企業最在乎如何節省通訊費用,因此,探討企業通訊費用使用狀況對電信業者及企業就顯得格外重要。本研究由個案公司T電信公司之企業客戶通訊費用,探討企業通訊之使用狀況及影響費用高低的重要因素,並由研究結果提供電信業者及企業之管理建議。 本研究採用樞紐分析、皮爾森相關係數、t檢定及複迴歸分析,針對9,117家企業通訊費用資料探討其使用狀況,研究發現:「政府機構」為通訊支出費用最高的行業;通訊費用中,固網費用佔企業通訊費用比例最高(55.55%),甚至部分行業固網比例趨近七成比例;行動電話逐漸成為企業主要的通訊工具,費用比例也達21.23%,且持續成長。依研究結果,電信業者可固守高費用客戶群及加強資通訊、加值產品銷售,另一方面企業可針對固網規劃節費,降低費用比例及其通訊費用。


Telecommunication market is limit in Taiwan, whether personal or business telecommunications users have been saturated. In order to increase revenue, it should focus on how to generate additional value from existing customers. On the other hand, business care about the most is how to save communication expenses. Therefore, it is particularly important for carriers and business to explore the usage of business communication expenses. This study researches the case T Telecom Company’s business communication expenses and explores the usage of business communication. Also, it explores the important factors that affect business expenses. Moreover, the research results will provide carriers and business management some advices. This research adopts pivot analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient, t test and multiple regression analysis. It focuses on 9,117 business communication expenses to explore the usage of business communications. The research found that governmental entities are the highest industry in communication expenses. Furthermore, fixed line expense is the highest proportion (55.55%) in business communications. Even some industry approached 70% of the proportion in fixed line. Mobile became the main communication tool and the ratio of expense reached to 21.23%. It continued to grow. According to the research results, Telecommunication can stick customer who paid high expenses and strengthen ICT product, for instance, mobile and value-added products. On the other hand, business plans to save fixed line expense. Therefore, it can reduce expense ratio and communication costs.


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