  • 學位論文


A Study on Using Smartphone Application Marketing Tools in Traditional Festival Activity: A Case of the Coming-of-Age Ceremony in Tainan

指導教授 : 孫嘉祈


在數位時代,可以用來行銷工具比以往增加許多,而傳統民俗活動該如何結合新的行銷工具即手機應用程式,則為本研究主要探討目的。本研究希望從科技品質以及資訊品質方面,探討影響使用者使用手機應用程式的因素;並應用巴斯擴散模型分析大眾媒體與口碑,對於手機應用程式的推廣有何效用。主要先應用相關性分析,確認個構面之間的具有關聯性。後再應用多元迴歸驗證個構面間的顯著性,並對中介效果加以探討。 研究主要結果發現,在使用應用程式系統品質方面,認知易用性與認知有用性對於行為意圖的影響力不顯著,但仍呈現正相關,顯示出對此族群而言,系統品質已被視為數位相關服務的必要條件,因此較不會將易用程度和有用程度納入考量。而在使用本研究相關類型的手機應用程式,資訊品質的完整性對於其使用者滿意度為正向且顯著相關。對於手機應用程式的使用者滿意度上,使用者滿意度在科技接受模型與行為意圖間為完全中介,可見使用者滿意度的影響力較大,而影響使用者滿意度的又以資訊完整性最為顯著,在使用者滿意度對於手機應用程式使用行為意圖上,其也具有正向顯著影響。在推廣手機應用程式方面,大眾媒體及使用者口碑對於行為意圖的影響皆為正向顯著,而大眾媒體的力量又大於口碑,因此未來如要推廣手機應用程式可以以大眾媒體為主。


Since the numbers of marketing tools have increased in the digital generation, the conjunction of new marketing tool, application, with traditional fork festival become new trend and therefore triggers our research motivation. The study discusses the influencing variables of using application from two aspects, system quality and information quality. Furthermore, we examine the effect of “mass media” and “words-of-mouth” on popularizing the application. This research applies the correlation coefficient to address the relationships among different contracts. Then, by multiple regression analysis, we observe the significant between different drivers. Moreover, by mediation analyses, the influence of Technology Acceptance Model on Behavior Intention to Use through User Satisfaction can be understood. The study results clarify the influence of both dimensions from Technology Acceptance Model toward Behavior Intention to Use is not significance; consider the system quality toward digital services is prerequisite which means “perceived usefulness” and “perceived ease of use” does not take into account. In addition, the influence of Information Completeness to User Satisfaction is positive and significant. Also, User Satisfaction influenced by Completeness mostly possess full mediation effect between Technology Acceptance Model and Behavior Intention to Use which means the mediation variable drops the relationship between the independent variable and dependent variable to zero. According to regression result, Bass Diffusion Theory affect the Behavior Intention to Use significantly which means the result of Behavior Intention to Use is dominated by mass media; the main approach to promote application can be mass media therefore.


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