  • 學位論文


Mainland Chinese Spouses in Taiwan:Immigration Policy and Management Mechanism (2002-2012)

指導教授 : 曾復生 何思因


兩岸近幾十年來對峙的局勢,隨著全球化的影響,自1987年政府開放兩岸交流,開放國人赴大陸探親,讓老榮民滯留在大陸的前配偶可以來臺團聚,亦可返鄉娶妻等人道政策,使國人娶大陸配偶人數快速增加,近年來兩岸人民在經貿、文教、社會各層面交流日益深化,人民往來互動頻繁熱絡,由於兩岸語言相通、文化相近,兩岸通婚已是普遍的現象。 本文以研究2002年至2012年近十年政府對於大陸配偶來臺管理政策演進,輔以外籍配偶與大陸配偶在臺居留各階段制度作比較,發現兩者仍有差別待遇,大陸配偶應等同於來自外籍之配偶所受到的保護,同時呼應馬總統「黃金十年 和平兩岸」之國家願景,大陸配偶來臺共組幸福家庭,在臺應享有平等的權益,政府應秉持兩公約反歧視原則與符合國際人權之目標,對大陸配偶來臺管理政策朝向「尊重人權」之路修正,以保障其在臺生活的基本權益。 本研究建議政府應積極宣導新移民政策,以防杜假結婚及非法行為,面談政策亦應與時俱進,尊重人權並適時予以鬆綁,輔以訪查機制,從關懷大陸配偶適應臺灣生活的角度切入,結合移民輔導業務,辦理新移民家庭教育課程,建構幸福家庭愛的誓約,以期有效降低離婚率,藉由政府修訂大陸配偶來臺相關法規,簡併兩岸交流法制,以因應時勢潮流,冀望本研究對未來兩岸婚姻有正面的回饋與省思。


Despite of the longstanding tension between Taiwan and the Mainland China in the past few decades, interactions between people across Taiwan Strait in trade, culture and education, and social aspects is becoming increasingly frequent and warm since the Taiwan government adopted an open policy towards China in 1987. Since 1987, the government has implemented a number of humanitarian policies, including allowing people in Taiwan to visit relatives in China, allowing Mainland Chinese wives of elderly war veterans to reunite with their spouses in Taiwan, and allowing Taiwanese citizens to marry Mainland Chinese and granting Mainland Chinese spouses residency. Because Taiwan and China use the same language and share some common cultural heritage, cross-strait intermarriage is now a prevalent phenomenon, and the number of Mainland Chinese spouses in Taiwan is rapidly on the rise. This study examines the evolvement of government policy toward Mainland Chinese spouses in the past decade (2002 ~ 2012) and compares the residency policies for foreign spouses and Mainland Chinese spouses in different stages. This paper finds that government has been according differential treatment to foreign spouses and Mainland Chinese spouses. Echoing President Ma's national vision of "Golden Decade, Peace with China", Mainland Chinese spouses should receive the same level of protection and be granted equal rights when they come live in Taiwan to create a happy family with their Taiwanese husband or wife. Guided by the U.N. conventions against discrimination and the goals of international human rights, the government should amend its administration policy for Mainland Chinese spouses in the direction of "respect human rights" to safeguard their basic rights of living in Taiwan. This study suggests that the government should actively promote the new immigrant policy to eliminate sham marriage and other illegal activities, continuously improve marriage interview policy, respect human rights while relaxing the immigration policy towards Mainland Chinese spouses. On other fronts, the government can implement the home visit mechanism from the standpoint of caring about the life of Mainland Chinese spouses in Taiwan, and offer them assistance in immigration matters, offer courses for new immigrant families, and advocate happy family and vow of love in the hope to effectively reduce the divorce rate of new immigrants. To keep in line with the trends, the government should amend regulations governing Mainland Chinese spouses and streamline legal systems regarding cross-strait exchange as this study hopes to offer positive feedback and restrospection to cross-strait marriage in the future.


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