  • 學位論文

海外出國研修計畫留學歸國學生對校園學習氛圍的影響 —以淡江大學大學生的觀點為例

The influence of study abroad students on campus atmosphere – Tamkang University

指導教授 : 楊明磊


本研究旨在探討在高等教育國際化的社會趨勢下,大學生透過校方海外出國研修一年的的計畫,在其學成歸國返校後對校園學習氛圍的影響。為深入受訪者的現象場,本研究採用的研究方法為質性研究,收集資料的方法分成二個階段,第一階段為焦點訪談團體,為使訪談資料具有邏輯性、連貫性、解釋性、豐富性以及代表性,首先廣泛邀請淡江校園大學部歸國學生以及未出國之學生,且對本研究主題有意願主動參與者進行焦點團體訪談,第二階段為半結構式個別深入訪談,共邀請8位同學,進一步邀請有意參與半結構式個別深度訪談之出國歸國學生以及未出國學生,過表達其觀察、經歷與感受,為研究帶來多元豐碩訊息,做為資料分析的重要依據。 研究結果歸納如下: 壹、 歸國學生對校園學習人際歷程的影響,包括 一、 對校園中關係型態產生影響。 二、 情感態度上的變化。 貳、 歸國學生對校園學習型態的影響,包括: 一、 歸國者成為楷模帶動同儕學習。 二、 經驗傳承,協助同儕增廣見聞;並成為後進出國重要的諮詢者。 參、 歸國學生對校園學習組織的影響,包括: 一、 校園學習品質的提升。 二、 積極參與國際性活動,為校爭光。 肆、 影響歸國學生展現影響力的因素,包含三大類: 一、 個人:個人動機、社會責任的有無。 二、 關係:關係的連結與程度。 三、 組織:體制落實程度;歸國者在團體中的比例。


The thesis is to show how students who attended the one year study abroad program influence campus atmosphere in today’s high educated globally adapted society. To enhance the accuracy, consistency, and representative on the research data. All data are collected based on two stages using quantitative research method. On the first stage of the research, a group of undergraduate students were guided by the researcher to share their personal experience or expectation on the topic. On the second stage of the research, researcher invited 8 students on a one on one interview to collect more detailed information on how they observe and view the whole study abroad experience. Research outcome summary: 1. The influence of study abroad students on personal experience: a. Impact campus relationship pattern. b. Changes on emotional attitude. 2. The influence of study abroad students on campus study form: a. Students who studied abroad become ideals and boost interests on studying among peers. b. Study abroad students share their experiences and become important recourses for potential study abroad students. 3. The influence of study abroad students on activities participation: a. Enhance campus overall learning atmosphere. b. Increase frequencies on participating in International activities for the school. 4. The factors that makes study abroad students more influential, including: a. Personal: Personal Motives, Social Responsibilities. b. Relationships: The degree and connection on the relationship. c. Organization: The percentage that study abroad students apply on the system among the whole group.




