  • 學位論文


Research of Chinese Translation of European Bibliography in the 17th Century

指導教授 : 吳哲夫


中國對外關係活躍,文化發達,科技進步,經濟繁榮,是世界上最強盛的國家之一,最主要的原因在於翻譯的影響。翻譯在中國對外活動中起了重要作用,從漢代傑出外交家張騫和班超出使西域,到第一次翻譯高潮—佛經翻譯,為中國與亞洲、歐洲國家的經濟、文化、科技等方面的交流作出了巨大貢獻。明代我國翻譯事業進入一個新的轉折性階段。鄭和下西洋,使我國與東南亞國家的關係快速發展。與此同時,隨著西方文化的逐漸傳入我國,我國出現了以翻譯歐西科學文化為主的第二次翻譯高潮。翻譯的內容促進我國自然科學的發展,也大大影響社會的進步。 本論文即以「十七世紀歐西文獻漢譯之研究」為題,首章緒論先說明前人的研究成果,研究動機與目的。第二章則分析當時中國與歐西的時代背景,說明為何會有科技文獻翻譯之傳入。第三章第四章分別詳述當時的翻譯者,書籍翻譯種類和內容,以及其對中國的貢獻跟影響,第五章針對歐西文獻產生的影響,了解翻譯活動與中國文化的傳承息息相關,並於第六章歸結翻譯活動必須從歷史中吸取智慧、經驗、和教訓,以利於創造更加光輝燦爛的中華新文明。 以古鑒今,十七世紀的歐西文獻翻譯,我國以翻譯歐西國家科學文化為主的第二次翻譯高潮,使我國在科技、社會、文化各方面有長足的進展,是值得我們學習效法的一段歷史。今天的翻譯工作,牽涉到我國是否能適存於世界。隨著地球村的形成,與各國往來互動的機會大增,翻譯工作更是不可或缺的一環。唯有透過吸收學習各國長處,並強化自身文化的根基,才能使我國文化內涵更加豐富多元、源遠流長。


With translation, China has become one of the most powerful countries that has active diplomacy, long-lasting culture, and prosperous economy. Having undergone three important stages of translation, and exchanged culture with neighboring and European countries, the Chinese society and technology have dramatically changed and improved. This research focuses on the second stage of translation, translation of European bibliography in the 17th century, trying to know how translation influences and works in China. Titled “Research of Chinese Translation of European Bibliography in the 17th Century,” the first chapter in the research tries to explain the former achievements of translation and the motivations and purposes in the research. The second chapter analyzes the backgrounds in China and Europe at that time, talking about the introduction of European bibliography about technology. The third and fourth chapters respectively describe in detail the translators, types and contents of translation, and the contributions to China. In the fifth chapter, translation has a lot to do with the passing down of Chinese culture, which draws a conclusion that a brighter Chinese civilization results from the intelligence, experience and lessons in the past in the sixth chapter. Nowadays, translation is the most important part to connect with the world. Judging from the second stage of translation, which focuses on the western science in the 17th century, China has improved in every aspect in technology, society, and culture. With the formation of global village and increased interaction with other countries, translation has become indispensable. By learning from the strengths in other countries, Chinese culture will be more diverse and colorful, passing down continuously.


