  • 學位論文


A Study of Using Station Teaching on Fifth Graders’ English Reading Fluency in a Taipei Elementary School

指導教授 : 黃月貴


本研究旨在探討學習站策略對英語閱讀流暢度的影響,本研究對象為新北市某一國民小學28位五年級學生,實驗前進行英語閱讀流暢度之前測,實驗過程中四個人一組,以小組齊聲念、CD及電腦輔助的學習站學習方式,於指定時間內輪流到各學習站完成指定練習內容,實驗歷經三個課本單元、兩個課外閱讀內容的誦讀練習,實驗後進行閱讀流暢之後測。 資料收集包括閱讀流暢度的前測及後測、學生在各個學習站的學習單及檢核回饋表、與教師教學反思札記。資料分析顯示學習站策略的實施增加學生英語閱讀準確度、速度,學生對學習站也持正向的學習態度,並從學習站中樂於與人合作。 本研究建議學習站策略可成為英語課程內的例行性活動設計,可廣泛運用在教學現場,以利提升教學成效,使學生們在以學生為中心的英語教學活動中樂於學習。


The purpose of this case study is to investigate the influence of station teaching on fifth graders’ oral reading fluency. The participants are twenty-eight students in northern city of Taiwan. They participated in the station teaching program by rotating to stations of choral reading, CD-assisted and computer-assisted reading with three textbook units and two extended reading texts. Before and after the implementations of station teaching, oral reading fluency test was administered and the results were analyzed with the participants’ task checklists, station checklists and the researcher’s reflective journals. The results indicated that all of the participants gained an increase in their oral reading fluency in the components of accuracy and rate after the instruction. Station teaching worked best in cooperative setting where oral reading practice could be regularly implemented into the English curriculum to improve teaching and learning.


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