  • 學位論文


Reuse of historic buildings and street blocks of change : a case study of the completion of elementary school site where street blocks

指導教授 : 黃瑞茂


街區在時空發展過程中,構成街區的整體架構空間。藉由社會變遷、車站樞紐、政權移轉移下,改變了街區生活方式。由於影響街區變遷的因素,隨著歷史發展不斷改變,所以街區型態與空間特色的轉變,也永不停止的。因此,就街區的脈絡,來敘述街區的發展歷程與變遷,說明街區的型態變遷、街區商業空間的類型、相關性、車站影響…等,即構成本研究探討的要件。本研究的時間起於日本殖民時期,1919年起,臺北市建成小學校所在的街區發展歷程,到臺北當代藝術館時期為止(2013),了解時空變遷下對於街區商業轉變、發展的關係。透過日本殖民時期的建成小學校所在街區發展的脈絡,探討日後街道空間發展。 臺北市政府自1994年從長安西路舊址遷徙至信義區之後,舊市府周邊地區街廓的性質和轉變,採取舊臺北市政府正對面及街廓兩側的商店,在不同時期的性質,進行比較。本文將舊臺北市政府所在街區分為三個階段,分別探討長安西路與其周邊街區脈絡、街廓性質和空間呈現。第一階段,1919年至戰後,臺北市中山北路的九條通、大正街在大量日本人居住下,主要配合日本人的需求,設置「建成尋常小學校」,實際措施為區分日本人不同於臺灣人的學校,還有大正停車站、職業介紹所、市場等官方建築物下,所在街區的街廓屬於公教與官舍。第二個「臺北市政府」階段(1946~1994),則為臺北市政府行政中心的所在地,日本殖民時期,官方設立的職業介紹所,改為臺北市衛生局,市場的四樓設有臺北市立圖書館長安分館,館藏有市政資料,一旁的大正停車站已廢。市政府對面開設起種種有關洽公的商店,使得原本商業功能之外,街區性質又是行政中心。1994~2012年臺北市政府遷徙至信義區的第三階段,臺北市衛生局改為身心障礙福利館,長安分館所藏的市政資料也隨市府搬遷,舊市府附近的事務性商店,如打字、印刷所、代書、刻印等等,也就因此歇業,長安西路商店蕭條起來,衰退成空蕩蕩的商店街。隨著臺北捷運淡水線於1997年通車,臺北當代藝術館於2001年開幕,擴展了文化治理,其特色為史蹟保存與活化再利用,以及當代藝術館協辦的捷運線性公園的公共藝術、藝文節慶。在這個階段,文化產業推動經濟發展,並連結重要都市的空間與活動聚集點,顯示本地繁榮的推動力。街區型態由原本行政中心與官方用地色彩轉為觀光與遊憩性質。 本研究依據三個時期周邊商店進行敘述性統計分析與比較後發現,日本殖民時期(西元1922年)建成小學校周邊位處公教所在地,是地方行政中心,因政治地位的大幅提昇、市區改正計畫的發佈,其周邊以官舍或是居住相關商店為主。在臺北市政府時遷移後(1994年~2001年),因交通路線的便捷與交通工具的進步,淡水捷運中山站通車後,帶來了人潮與商業活動。到了臺北當代藝術館時期(2001年起迄今),街區周圍機能與定位逐漸成熟,其周邊生活食衣住行與育樂相關商店比例提高。顯示在古蹟活化與再利用後,原有的捷運帶動人潮之外,街區型態由原本舊市府的公教行政中心與官方用地色彩轉為觀光與遊憩特色。


Neighborhoods in space and time course of development, constitute the overall structure of space blocks. With social change, the station hub, transfer under the regime shift, changing the neighborhood lifestyle. Due to changes in the factors affecting the neighborhood, along with the historical development are constantly changing, so the block patterns and spatial characteristics of the transition, but also forever without stopping. Therefore, neighborhood context, to describe the development process and qualifications neighborhoods change, description block patterns change, the type of neighborhood commercial space, relevance, impact ... and other stations that constitute the elements of this research. At the time of this study since the Japanese colonial period, starting in 1919, in Taipei elementary school built in neighborhoods where the development of qualification process, until the period of Contemporary Art Taipei (2013), to understand spatial and temporal changes of the next block business transformation, develop relationships. Context where development through neighborhoods built during the Japanese colonial elementary school to discuss the future development of street space. Taipei City Government since 1994 to migrate from the site of Chang'an Road, Xinyi District, the Old City and the surrounding areas change the nature of street blocks, Taipei City Government is taking the old shops and street blocks opposite sides of nature in different periods, for comparison. This article will block where the old Taipei City Government is divided into three stages, namely to explore Chang'an Road and its surrounding neighborhood context, nature and space show street blocks. The first phase, from 1919 to the war, nine Zhongshan North Road Taipei pass, the big Japanese Street residence in a large, mainly with the Japanese demand, set "unusual elementary school built," practical measures to distinguish between the Japanese Unlike Taiwanese schools, there are large positive stops, employment agencies, and other official buildings market, the neighborhoods where street blocks belong to the Catholic and official residences. The second "Taipei City Government" phase (1946 to 1994), was the location of the administrative center of the Taipei City Government, the Japanese colonial period, the official establishment of an employment agency, to Taipei City Health Bureau, the market has the fourth floor of Taipei Chang'an City Library Branch, a municipal data collection, aside Taisho stops has been spent. Across from City Hall opened shop about various business matters, making the original business functions, and is the administrative center of the nature of neighborhoods. Taipei City Government from 1994 to 2012 to the third stage of the migration Xinyi District, Taipei City Health Bureau to disability benefits Hall, Chang'an Branch possession with the city's municipal data also relocated, the old city near the transactional stores, such as typing, printing, scrivener, engraving, etc., will therefore go out of business, Chang'an Road shops Depression up empty mall into a recession. With the Taipei MRT Danshui Line opened in 1997, Museum of Contemporary Art opened in 2001, expanded the culture of governance, which features as Historic preservation and adaptive reuse, as well as the Museum of Contemporary Art in association with public transit linear park arts festivals. At this stage, the cultural industry to promote economic development and to link space and activities important rallying point for the city, showing local prosperity impetus. Block patterns from the original administrative center and official sites of color into the nature of tourism and recreation. This study carried out in accordance with the surrounding shops three periods analyzed with descriptive statistics comparison, the Japanese colonial period (c. 1922) located at the periphery of the Catholic elementary school built in the location of the local administrative center, due to significantly enhance political status, urban correction release program, and its surrounding residential related to official residences or shops based. After migration Taipei City Government (1994 to 2001), due to the progress of convenient transportation and transport routes, after the opening of freshwater MRT Zhongshan Station, bringing crowds and commercial activities. To the Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei period (2001 to date), the surrounding neighborhoods and positioning functions mature, their lifestyles to improve their lives and the surrounding recreation-related shops ratio. Displayed in the monument after activation and re-use the original MRT led the crowd outside, street patterns and the administrative center of the Catholic official color of the original site of the old city into a tourism and recreation features.


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