  • 學位論文


A Study of User Testing of E-Textbooks for Junior High School Students

指導教授 : 沈俊毅


本研究係以使用者測試觀點探討國中電子教科書之使用性。隨著資訊科技的發展與數位時代的來臨,國內教科書出版業者為了因應此一趨勢,將中小學教科書予以數位化,編纂成電子教科書,並加入豐富的教學內容、教學簡報、評量題庫以及單元學習單等。面對如此多元的電子教科書,進行其使用性之評估確有其必要性。本研究之目的係針對中小學目前所採用之電子教科書進行使用性之測試。研究者以便利取樣方式,選用其所任教學校102學年度七年級數學領域之教用版電子教科書進行測試,並採立意取樣方式遴選10位國中數學教師,以使用者測試觀點進行使用性測試。 本研究依據電子教科書內容設計一份工作任務清單,並由受測者依工作任務清單之要求進行使用性測試。所採用之研究方法包括觀察法、放聲思考法與訪談法。透過資料之蒐集及分析,探究受測者對電子教科書介面設計之滿意度以及針對「使用性」之意見,俾提出電子教科書介面設計之修正建議。本研究發現:使用者對電子教科書使用性之滿意度給予「滿意」以上的評價。測試結果並顯示「電子教科書在一般情使用形下,使用性是高的」。然而,研究中仍發現電子教科書有其改進之空間。例如:測試中發現系統功能設計一致性不足、反應速度效率不足、字體太小、圖像隱喻不夠一目了然等缺失。在電子教科書起步發展的階段,期待本研究所提出之修正建議可提供出版業者未來改版之參考依據,使電子教科書在使用性此一面向得以更臻完備。


This study is to explore the effectiveness of the usability of junior high schools’ E-Textbooks through the users’ viewpoints. Because of the development of digital technology, the publishing business has digitalized the textbooks for the elementary and junior high schools, adding lots of teaching resources, briefings, evaluation tests, practice works, etc. With so many multi-purpose E-Textbooks, it is a necessity to evaluate the effectiveness of their usability. The study is to carry on the testing usability of the E-Textbooks adopted by the elementary schools or junior high schools. For the convenience of sampling, the author chooses the math E-Textbook for the seventh-grade students in the school where she is serving. The study is done by purpose sampling in which six junior high school teachers are chosen as users of the E-Textbook and their viewpoints are collected for the test of the effectiveness of the usability. A list of tasks has been designed for this study according to the content of the E-Textbook. The list is to be filled out by the chosen teachers during the process of effectiveness testing. The data is collected though the methodology of observation, thinking aloud and interview, and then the data is analyzed on the satisfaction of the design of the interface and the effectiveness of the usability. The suggestion of modification is given concerning the design of the interface and the effectiveness of the usability. The result of this study is as follows: the availability of learning, usability, memorizing, and rate of mistakes is graded as “more than satisfied,” which indicates that the effectiveness of the usability of the E-Textbook is highly valued for the common purposes of the use. However, some modification still has to be made, such as: the functions of the tool are not consistent and the reaction of the tool functions is at a low efficiency because of the slow reaction, and etc.


E-textbook usability usability testing user testing




