  • 學位論文


“Active Ageing”: Exploring the volunteers’ experience and future image.

指導教授 : 陳國華


人口高齡化的浪潮正席捲全球,隨著生活水準和醫療技術的進步,無論是開發中國家或是已開發國家均面臨「高齡社會」的到來。人口老化對社會的衝擊與影響是全面性的,包括政治、經濟、文化、制度及教育均牽涉其中。本研究嘗試以志工本身的微觀層面為切入點,明白志工在參與志願服務前後的差別及影響,並且挖掘出背後的社會網絡關係,進而歸納出這些志工如何活躍老化的因素。 本研究採用半結構式訪談,分別訪問7名高齡志工及5名青年志工,共計12名訪談對象。透過訪談所得出的重大發現歸納如右:1)志工致力於投入志願服務,學習以正面角度來思索人生課題,坦然面對老化所帶來的眾多改變;2)社會對於志工人力資源的需求與日俱增,如何有效運用便成為重要的議題;3)志工的代間交流由於彼此存在著想法上的落差與迷思,導致志工經驗的傳承有所斷層;4)由於我國的志願服務政策及制度朝令夕改,因此多數的志工不願花費心力及時間去了解。 最後透過未來學的思考方式及科際整合特性的運用,使用情節分析法勾勒出四個未來圖像,並且綜合分析訪談結果,為台灣的志工政策尋找未來可能之發展途徑。 表單編號:ATRX-Q03-001-FM030-01


未來 高齡化 志工 活躍老化


Abstract:   The wave of ageing population is sweeping the world, along with the rising standard of living and advanced medical technology. Whether developing countries or developed countries are facing the emerging issue of so-called “Ageing Society”. The impact of ageing population on society is comprehensive, ranging from political, economic, cultural, institutional to education. This research attempts to use the micro-level viewpoint of volunteers as lens to peek into the difference and impact when they participate the volunteer activities during and after. Besides underlying relationship of the volunteers’ social network is explored, in order to sum up the factors of how to create “Active Ageing”.   This research adopts semi-structural interview. Out of twelve respondents, seven are elder and five are young volunteers. The result of this research are as following: 1) volunteers who contribute voluntary service have learned to think in a positive perspective of life while facing ageing. 2) the needs for volunteers are increasing; hence, how to effectively manage the human resources has become an important societal issue. 3) there exists an ideological gap within intergenerational exchange of volunteers and heritage of volunteer experience. 4) due to constant changes in voluntary service policies, the system has become incomprehensible to the majority of volunteers .   Finally, this research adopts futures thinking and an interdisciplinary perspective to construct images of the future for volunteers. Applying scenario analysis, four possible scenarios are depicted. Some suggestions for policy making are also provided. 表單編號:ATRX-Q03-001-FM031-01


Ageing Society volunteers Active Ageing Futures


