  • 學位論文


The study of marriage migration-On mainland China spouses applying for immigration visas in Taiwan as an exampl

指導教授 : 潘錫堂


全球化影響及兩岸交流日趨緊密,入出國境人流與外來人民移入,儼然將臺灣帶入「人口國際化」的潮流中,政府自1987年11月開放兩岸交流以來,跨國婚姻在臺灣目前已有48萬人之多,尤其兩岸婚姻既占有逾30萬人;婚姻為「家」之基礎,在基本人權範圍內應受重視、保護且不被恣意侵犯。故世界人權宣言第16條有3項明定:「1、成年男女,不受種族、國籍或宗教之任何限制,有權婚嫁及成立家庭。男女在婚姻方面,在結合期間及在解除婚約時,具有平等權利。2、婚約之締結僅能以男女雙方之自由完全承諾為之。3、家庭為社會之當然基本團體單位,並應受社會及國家保護。」故婚姻移民之基本人權,應予保障;但各國又須基於地理、資源及人口等先天條件,考量國家安全、社會利益、人民福址,制訂合宜本國之移民政策與移民制度,以維婚姻移民所衍之連鎖移民與社會福利資源分配問題。 本研究以現今高居婚姻移民之冠的大陸配偶為研究主體,在此婚姻移民熱潮當中,兩岸通婚者普偏婚前交往時間有限,感情基礎薄弱,易造成生活適應問題。而在政策上開放大陸配偶工作權、居留權、繼承權的同時亦造成誘因讓有心人士利用結婚管道來臺,如此也衍生假結婚、逾期居停留、非法打工等種種問題,惟在政策開放的同時如何提升管制措施的精確度,以防制假結婚來臺,進而保障合法婚姻促使兩岸婚姻能導向正常化及合法化。另開放大陸配偶親屬來臺探親及延長停留期限,更易讓此對象入臺後俟機在臺打工,進而滯臺不歸,衍生另一層面移入人口問題,這些移民衍生問題都是現行政府必須面對的問題。 以現階段政府對大陸配偶在臺工作權、居留權、公民權、家庭團聚權、社會福利權之放寬程度觀之,確較前進步,而相關權益亦較優於外籍配偶,這都歸功於兩岸關係之良性進展;惟,在中國大陸未宣布放棄以武力解決臺灣問題,及目前兩岸經濟互為依存、消長之勢下,探討現行法令亦多有規範、然其涉及國家安全之因素卻不容忽視,故而在此一問題上,如何讓法規、組織及實務更臻周全,實為當前兩岸交中所應關切之議題。本文研究旨在從人權與國家安全衡平之觀點,探討現行大陸地區人民來臺生活適應及居留管理之窒礙與疏漏,期待未來我政府於制訂大陸政策與大陸配偶制度時,除應盱衡兩岸關係之發展情勢,更應考量臺灣自身先天條件與一般社會大眾之觀感,朝向兼顧國人利益優先與人權發展之途,採漸進方式放寬,俾使大陸配偶個人能早日融合於臺灣社會,其家庭能和諧穩定發展,並受國人之接納與祝福。


The impact of globalization and the increasingly close cross-strait exchanges has contributed to the heavy flow of people and foreigners at the borders, leading Taiwan into the trend of “the internationalization of population”. Since the government started the open cross-strait exchanges policy in November 1987. There have been more than 480 thousand transnational marriages so far in Taiwan, especially cross-strait marriages, amounting to 300 thousand. Accordingly, Marriage, the foundation of a family, shall be respected, be protected and refrain. From being violated within the field of basic human rights. In accordance with the item 3, article 16 of the Human Rights Convention:「1.Mature males and females have the rights to get married and have their own families without regarding their race, nationality or religion. In terms of marriage, males and females have equal rights to start or end this relationship. 2. The bond of marriage shall be based on the free wills of the couple. 3.Family is undoubtedly the basic group unit and shall be protected by our society and country.」The human rights of marriage immigrants shall be protected. All countries shall formulate feasible immigration policies and laws, considering natural resources, demographics as well as national security, social interests, and nationals’ well beings, to take care of their marriage immigrants and to cope with the possible re-distribution of social welfare caused by the “derivative immigrants” from martial/familial relationships. This thesis focuses on Mainland Chinese spouses, the largest immigrant group among all marriage immigrants in Taiwan, In this marriage boom among immigrant. Due to having weak relationship before getting married, it may easily lead to unaccustomed to daily life. Some people then persuade mainland Chinese spouses to misuse their right of working, inhabitation and inheritance. Accordingly, sham marriage, overstaying a tourist (resident) visa, and illegal employment arise. Such huge influences on our society reveal the importance of how to reach the balance between open attitude and control. Moreover, opening visit to Taiwan and extending the stay for the relatives of mainland Chinese spouses result in their detention. All these related immigrant problems are coming into being; our government must face to problems. Currently, Mainland Chinese spouses’ rights to work/employment, residency, family reunion and social welfare are much more improved. In certain aspects, they are more privileged than foreign spouses. This can be the benefit of positive development between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. Nevertheless, Mainland China never gives up using force to resolve the Taiwan issue. The economies of the both sides of the Taiwan Strait not only depend on but also compete with each other. Explore the existing laws are found to have norms, however, its factors involving national security can not be ignored, and therefore on this issue, how to make regulations, organizations and practices National security comprehensive, in fact, pay the current cross-strait issues should concern the. This paper aims to national security from the perspective of human rights and equitable, the people in the region to discuss the current mainland and Taiwan to adapt to life in the stifling and omissions residency management, looking. Under such circumstances, Taiwanese government shall base its Mainland China policy and Mainland Chinese spouse policy upon the relations of the both sides, its natural resources, and the views of general public in Taiwan. The policy shall be tailored in consideration of the priority of nationals’ interests and rights as well as the development of human rights, in a gradual way to enhance Mainland Chinese spouses’ rights in Taiwan. As consequences, Mainland Chinese spouses can quickly adapt to Taiwan society, and their family can be accepted and respected with best wishes.




