  • 學位論文


The Study of Investment and Management strategy toward Textile industry in China-a Case of Dongguan Company

指導教授 : 李志強


中國大陸是紡織布料生產大國,但布料生產仍以中低層次為主,也因此自1999年開始,中國中央開始支援紡織業的技術改造,對染整、織造、紡紗、纖維和設計開發領域進行系統和配套的技術改造,以實現中國紡織之全面性升級。歷經產業結構改善、調整與進步,中國紡織業之對外貿易國際競爭力已大大增強,目前可說是一種蓬勃發展的局面。 台灣紡織業為我國重要創匯產業之一,上、中、下游產業結構完整,近年來雖受中國大陸、東南亞等低工資國家競爭,出口創匯重要性較為減弱,但至今仍為我國重要產業,其貢獻不容小覷。而反觀中國之紡織業,正挾其低廉的工資及充沛的勞動力,與我國在國內外市場上競爭。 本研究以Porter 的價值鏈理論為架構,分析我國紡織業過去、現在之價值鏈,以及個案研究之探討,希望能提供面臨轉型的台灣紡織業者一些方向及思考。台灣紡織製造業不斷往低勞動成本地方遷移,但現今中國大陸面臨缺工以及工資上漲、勞工意識抬頭、物價通貨膨脹等問題,再加上國際原物料飛漲,造成生產成本提高,不利國際競爭力。 本文主要研究目的如下: 一、台灣紡織業發展情況分析。 二、中國大陸紡織業發展情況分析。 三、探討東莞A公司在中國大陸投資經營策略之研究,希望能對該公司及即將進入中國大陸市場的紡織業之未來經營策略有所貢獻。 本研究有以下三點結論: 一、臺灣紡織工業已逐漸由勞力密集至技術密集並逐漸轉變成資本密集,並且升級轉型已成為世界紡織品消費市場主要供應來源之一。 二、中國大陸紡織業出口以成衣及服飾品為主,且多種紡織原料產量居世界第一。 三、東莞A公司在大陸投資經營長、短期發展策略及計劃及東莞A公司在大陸投資經營策略成功的關鍵因素。


China is the major manufacturer of textile industry, however the production of textile is still mainly at the below-average level, therefore, the Chinese central government has started to support the technical reformation and improvement on textile industry including dying, sewing, weaving and the field of design and development in order to completely and comprehensively upgrade the textile industry in China. After conducting modification, adjustment, and improvement on industrial structures, the compatibility of Chinese textile industry has been strengthened to a stage of vigorous development. The textile industry in Taiwan is one of our important foreign exchange earning that has complete industry-segment. In recent years, though Taiwanese textile industry has suffered the competition of cheap labors from China and southeastern Asian countries, and the importance of the foreign exchange earning on exports has relatively decreased, it’s still a very important industry in Taiwan, and it also has great contribution to Taiwanese economy. On the other hand, Chinese textile industry is competing with Taiwan on both domestic and overseas markets by having cheap and sufficient labor forces. This research is based on the theory of value chain presented by Porter, and this theory is conducted to analyze the past and current value chain in Taiwanese textile industry and the case studyin order to offer some points and suggestions to Taiwanese textile industry from this research results. Taiwanese textile industry has gradually migrated to countries having cheaper labors, however, China is currently facing the problems of lack of labors, the increases on workers’ earnings, inflation and the increases on the cost of international materials. These problems have led to the increases on production cost which is a disadvantage to international compatibility. The research purposes are as following: 1.The analysis of Taiwanese textile industry and its current status. 2.The analysis of Chinese textile industry and its current status. 3.To analyze the strategies of investment and management from company A in order to give the contribution on the management strategies for the textile companies that are heading to Chinese market. The research conclusion are as following: 1.the textile industry in Taiwan has gradually shifted from labor intensive, techniques intensive to capital intensive, and it has upgraded to one of the major suppliers in the global textile markets. 2.Garments and accessary occupies the major portions of exports on Chinese textile industry, and it has the largest production of materials in the world. 3.The long-term and short-term plans of investment and management strategies are the key elements to company A ‘s success in China.


