  • 學位論文


Exploring Information System Quality, Trust and Flow Experience On User Loyalty of Dating Website

指導教授 : 陳意文


隨著網際網路的崛起和興盛,間接地改變了人們的社交型態,而網路交友服務便開始大量地投入市場。由於網路交友服務之技術進入障礙較低,因此各種琳瑯滿目的交友網站如雨後春筍般的出現。有鑒於此,交友網站如何受到使用者的青睞與長期造訪,忠誠度便顯得格外重要。然而,詐騙與情色等犯罪事件開始層出不窮,使得網站品質備受質疑。造成對交友網站信任以及心流經驗降低,間接地影響使用者對於交友網站之忠誠度。因此,本研究主要目的將探討資訊系統品質、信任、心流對於交友網站忠誠度之影響性。   本研究以問卷調查法為研究工具,針對國內各交友網站之使用者為本研究之對象,共計發放444份問卷。實證結果發現,資訊系統品質、信任、以及心流等變項皆對忠誠度具有顯著的正向影響。另外,信任與心流對於資訊系統品質與忠誠度也皆具有部分中介效果。彙整以上研究分析之結果,得以歸納下列研究結論: 一、實證資訊系統品質確實影響使用者對於交友網站之忠誠度。 二、心流經驗特性探究網站使用者行為具有可靠性。 三、實證信任、心流為資訊系統品質與忠誠度具有中介關係之可信度。   最後,又根據研究結果提出交友網站經營者須考量交友網站是否能準確、及時、正確提供使用者所需資訊與功能。加強使用者之身分審查機制等功能,降低使用者的不信任感,以及設立鼓勵活動等機制,以便增加使用者的網站停留時間和使用率等實務貢獻。


Along with the rise and prosperity of the Internet, it changed and influenced social patterns of people and online dating services also began to enter into the market. Because the online dating services is easy to approach, a variety of dating websites spring up like mushrooms. In view of this, how to make users favor the website and often visit here becomes particularly important. However, crimes such as fraud and erotic emerges endlessly, it makes quality of the site be highly questioned and causes people not to trust dating websites and indirectly affects loyalty of users. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to examine the quality of information system, trust, and flow to loyalty of the dating website. The study is based on questionnaire as research tool to test domestic users of dating website and there are 444 users in this experiment. According to research results show, Information system quality, trust, and flow all have a significant positive effect on loyalty. Additionally, trust and flow are effective in the quality of information systems. The findings of the study are summarized as the following: 1.The quality of empirical information system does affect users’ loyalty to the dating websites. 2.Flow experiences have reliability to users’ behavior. 3.Empirical trust and flow are credibility between quality of information system and loyalty. At last, according to the research results, dating website operators have to think about whether dating websites can provide users with accurate, timely and correct information and function. To encourage users to stay the website longer and increase usage rate, strengthening the review of the user's identity, reducing distrust of users, and establishing activities are required.


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