  • 學位論文


On the Building Process of the Chingliao Holy Cross Church

指導教授 : 王俊雄


本文以興建於臺南的菁寮聖十字架堂為研究對象。此教堂在1955年由天主教方濟會的德籍神父楊森(Eric Jansen)開始推動計劃,邀請到德國建築師戈特弗瑞得.波姆(Gottfried Bohm)進行設計,接續由臺灣營造團隊繪製施工圖,從1957年開工分成兩期施工,歷經四年於1960年建造完成。藉著探尋這個台灣戰後農村中的天主堂,從被計畫、設計、轉譯、建造的過程中,去解讀這個建造於台灣的現代建築教堂其移植的過程。本文藉著過程的解讀,期待達到的研究目的有二:1. 菁寮聖十字架堂興建過程的釐清。2. 臺灣建築現代性的內容探尋 。 本研究以目前典藏於國立台灣博物館的建築圖說、照片及菁寮聖十字架佈道團編年紀要等資料,以及菁寮聖十字架堂的建築物本身為主要研究史料,進行文本上的閱讀。配合建築師戈特弗瑞得.波姆的當面訪談最為間接史料,以「厚描述」的研究方式,將興建的過程架構,放置於臺灣戰後這樣特殊的時空背景下,進行梳裡。並加上其他傳道人員、居民等訪談,以及德國波姆建築師系列作品的參訪經驗等參考資料,作為歷史過程的相互考證,以進行整體興建過程的歷史詮釋。 本研究主要發現有二:第一、藉著菁寮聖十字架堂興建過程的歷史探尋,我們看到在台灣戰後邁向復甦的農村,以及天主教在台灣興盛發展的歷史交叉下,催化了菁寮聖十字架堂的誕生。建築師波姆在初掌事務所的時刻,面對這個遙遠海外好友的邀約,做了一個不同以往的新嘗試。這個在設計概念上與歐洲同步的現代建築教堂,不但是波姆在設計生涯中重要的轉折,對於台灣的天主教發展歷程中,也標示出一個多元發聲、協同併進的時代。 其次第二點是:面對菁寮聖十字架堂這個設計,楊森神父在台灣鋁業的鄭逸群、許建築師、楊嘉慶建築師等本土營造團隊的協助下,努力克服困難,歷經四年推動將其實踐。因著環境、地理、氣候、營造方式等條件限制,興建過程中設計者與營造者都做出因應的調整,讓這個來自於德國的現代建築教堂設計真實的在台灣這塊土地長成。在其中我們看見業主、設計者、營造者,三方相互影響、拉扯、也產生位移的軌跡,對於這個外來之物變成本地之物的歷史過程厚描述,也正是本文嘗試表達的臺灣建築現代性的內容。


The dissertation is using Chingliao Holy Cross Church as a subject of the research. The church was started in 1955 by Franciscan missionary Father Eric Jansen’s request. He invited German architect Gottfried Bohm to design the church (remotely). It was constructed by a local team and was completed in 1960. By reviewing the detail of how this Catholic church had been built in post World War II in the rural of Taiwan, from planning, designing, translating and construction, we would like to understand the detail of how this modern Church was transplanted in Taiwan. Additionally, to understand the substance of Taiwan’s architecture modernity. This research is using the method of thick description. It covers textualized with reading material collected in National Taiwan Museum such as architectural drawing, pictures, and the Chingliao Holy Cross Mission Journal. Field search includes visits to the building, interviews with the architect Gottfried Bohm, priests in the church, and local residents. It also includes a trip to Europe to visit to other Bohm designs. Comb through the details and historical background of post World War II Taiwan to verify facts and reestablish and learn the process of building that was used. There are two major findings in this research, Finding why and how the exact process of the construction of Chingliao Holy Cross Church. By reestablishing the detail and certain circumstances of the construction, we can view a village recovery from post World War II forward. We can also review how the Catholic religion developed in Taiwan. Accepting the designing invitation from an old friend living far away, Architect Gottfried Bohm had tried a new approach that is coherent with the Modern church design trends in Europe. It was an important moment in Bohm’s design. It had a significant meaning for Catholics’ religious development in Taiwan. From design to the completion, the construction of this church marked a special milestone in the history of cooperation with different countries and cultures in Taiwan. Father Jansen led the Taiwan Aluminum Corp, Dr. ING. Ekin Y.C. Cheng, Architect Hsu and Architect Chia-chin Yang, and local construction teams to take the challenges. The whole construction took four years to complete. There were obstacles from the environment, geography, weather, and limitations of knowledge know how. And, there were negations and compromises between the designer and the building team. The adaption of each other’s ideas to overcome the various challenges make this original German designed modern church able to thrive and stand out in Taiwan. What we see is the final results from the many struggles. This research trying to use the thick description to interpret the substance of Taiwan Architecture Modernity – a good example like this, the shifting and influence each other’s between three parties, the diocese ( administrative priest), the designer and the construction team created the opportunity of moving.


李毓中,〈西班牙人在艾爾摩莎〉,收入李毓中、吳佰祿、石文誠主編,《艾爾摩莎:大航海時代的臺灣與西班牙》(臺北市:國立臺灣博物館, 2006)。
黃金麟等著, 黃金麟、汪宏倫、黃崇憲編,《帝國邊緣:臺灣現代性的考察》(臺北市:群學,2010)。
大衛•哈維(David Harvey)著,黃煜文譯,《巴黎現代性之都》(臺北市:群學出版社,2007)。
