  • 學位論文


The Study of Exhibition image, Facebook Involvement, and Word-of-Mouth of Social Media users: The Case Studies of National Geographic, The Art of The Brick, and Salvador Dali

指導教授 : 陳玉鈴


臺灣展覽市場,在各類型特展活躍紛起的背後,各家策展單位正面臨市場支撐力與觀展人數成長有限的困境,營造成功的展覽形象,和熟悉的展覽消費者對於國內展覽的喜好方向與口碑宣傳意願,相對成為展覽市場裡重要的環節。 本研究以主題特展的消費者為研究對象,以中國時報旗下的策展機構─時藝多媒體集團,從2012年至2013年間,臉書粉絲團關注人數最高的三場主題特展《瘋狂達利─超現實主義大師》、《Nathan Sawaya積木夢工場》和《探索無限─國家地理125年經典影像大展》之展覽消費者為問卷發放對象,並訪問三展策展團隊了解期展覽形象的內涵與宣傳策略,和三展策展團隊對消費者臉書使用情況、口碑分享行為之觀察。 本研究並根據Chowdury, Reardon and Srivastava (1998)提出消費者對商家產生印象的商店形象五大構面為理論基礎,提出本研究的展覽形象五大構面:「展覽主題」、「展覽氛圍」、「服務能力」、「價格」、「便利性」,並以Zaichkowshy (1994)的兩極化語義差異評量表為基礎,提出「臉書涉入」衡量構面,和Harrison-Walker(2001)提出的口碑活躍性與口碑正面性口碑傳播行為衡量要素,訂立「口碑分享」與「臉書口碑分享」兩大構面,做為問卷的主要設計,透過問卷探討展覽消費者對策展團隊打造的展覽形象滿意度,其與臉書涉入程度對消費者在口碑與臉書口碑分享意願間的關聯,最後對業者在未來的特展執行與行銷策略上提出建議。 本研究以樣本敘述性統計、模型適配度檢定、變異數分析等研究方法,進行量化問卷之分析,並輔以質化深度訪談,了解三展策展團隊對於展覽形象的企劃與臉書經營等宣傳策略,加以對消費者臉書使用情況、口碑分享行為觀察,得到研究結果如下: 1.展覽形象五大構面為消費者明顯關注之展覽要素 2.展覽形象五大構面與展覽消費者在口碑分享意願有正向關係 3.展覽消費者口碑分享意願對臉書口碑分享意願有正向關係 4.展覽消費者臉書涉入對調節展覽形象對臉書口碑分享意願有正向關係 5.提出三場主題特展的展覽形象與官方粉絲團行銷策略差異分析與建議


Due to the shrinking of the market and the audience-growing limitaion, the exhibition organizers in Taiwan have to do more than ever. To curate a successful exhibition, being familiar to internal audiences is a clear key to win, especially to their preference and willing to “buzz”, so-called the “worth-of-mouth”. The object of this study is the audiences of specific-topic exhibitions. I chose three exhibitions hold by Media Sphere Communications LTD. , an exhibition organizer of Want Want China Times Inc. , between 2012 and 2013. They are top three exhibitions having the most likes in facebook fanpages, which are Salvador Dali- Mind of Genius, Nathan Saway-The Art of The Brick, and National Geography at 125-A New Age of Exploration. I used questionnaire for gathering the information from the audiences, and interviewed all three curating teams to know the whole picture of the inside strategy, including their observation to the behavior of their facebook fans, and the most important, the working of worth-of-mouth communication. This study is based on the research by Chowdury, Reardon and Srivastava(1998) , talking about how consumers make their impression for the store with five different perspectives; I build my five perspectives about exhibition image- the theme of the exhibition, the atmosphere of the exhibition, the service of the staff, the price and the convenience. Also I build “Facebook-involvement judging perspective”based on Zaichkowsky (1994) rPII (r-Personal Involvement Inventory).   Last, I used “worth-of-mouth communication” and “worth-of-mouth communication in Facebook”as the main perspectives of my questionnaire, based on the activeness and the positivity of worth-of-mouth by Harrison-Walker(2001). From this questionnaire, I analyze audiences’ satisfaction for the exhibition image, and the relationship between their involvements in Facebook and the willing to share for worth-of-mouth. In the end, I made some suggestions to exhibition organizers to their future execution and marketing strategy. This study was quantified by descriptive analysis, test of goodness-of-fit and ANOVA; along with the knowing of strategy for Facebook campaign and exhibition images by deep interviews with the three exhibition organizing groups, and the audiences ‘usage and worth-of-mouth in Facebook I observed. Below are the results, 1.The five perspectives about exhibition image are the crucial factors for the audiences. 2.The five perspectives about exhibition image is positive correlation to audiences’ willing to buzz. 3.The audiences’ willing to buzz is positive correlation to it on Facebook. 4.The audiences’ involvement in Facebook is positive correlation to the regulation of the exhibition image and their willing to buzz. 5.Propose the difference analysis and suggestion for all three exhibitions about the exhibition image and the marketing strategy for their official fanpage.



