  • 學位論文


The Arctic Strategy of Russian Federation

指導教授 : 崔琳


北極資源是人類的共有財產,北極地區的利益、競爭、合作,都並非單純只是北極國家的事務,而是全球各國的利益。各國在北極地區的任何行動都有可能影響到俄羅斯在此地區的影響力及地位。本文旨在探討地緣政治經濟角度下俄羅斯如何推動其北極戰略的實踐,以及與北極地區其他國家競爭合作上所扮演的角色,進而影響到俄羅斯北極戰略的制定與執行之情況。本文從北極的地緣政治與經濟價值,對俄羅斯的重要性,俄羅斯在北極戰略上的規劃與實踐從各國在北極地區的競爭與合作,探討俄羅斯北極戰略面臨的挑戰。 本文認為,在各國積極參與北極事務的情況下,掌握地緣政治優勢的俄羅斯要有效的發揮本身的地緣優勢及影響力,必須要加強本身在北極地區的地位,並和各國加強國際安全的合作,同時不能忽略非北極國家的參與及與北極國家之間合作所面臨的挑戰。在面對北極地區各種不同的國際局勢變化,俄羅斯要如何更全面的實踐北極戰略,以及如何在各項領域與各國合作上取得平衡,是俄羅斯要面對的一項重要課題。


The Arctic resources are the common property of mankind, so the interests, competition and cooperation of the region are not only affairs of states of Arctic region, but also related to the interests of countries in the world. Therefore any actions of other countries are likely to affect Russia's influence and position in this region. This thesis aims to explore, from geo-political and geo-economic viewpoint, how Russia to promote its Arctic strategy, as well as its role on competition and cooperation with other countries in the Arctic, which thereby affecting the development and implementation of Russia’s Arctic strategy. Following up previous analysis, the thesis further discussed challenges of the Russian Arctic strategy. This thesis argues that the Russia should effectively use its geographic advantage and influence to strengthen itself position in the Arctic, and to increase the cooperation with other countries. Moreover, Russia should not ignore the involvement of non-Arctic states and the challenges of cooperation between other Arctic countries. Facing various changes in the Arctic region, it is important for Russia to practice a more comprehensive Arctic strategy in economy, energy, ecology, as well as balance of international cooperation.


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