  • 學位論文


A Study on the Student Loan Repayment Scheme and Repayment Burden of Private Higher Education Graduates in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 鈕方頤


本研究之研究目的為分析我國私立大學校院畢業生對就學貸款償還機制的看法,以及實際償還負擔情形,並針對分析結果提出相關建議,以供日後教育行政主管機關作為政策決策之參考。 本研究採取文件分析法及半結構式訪談法為研究方法,以開始償還就學貸款的畢業生為訪談對象,研究工具為自製之「我國私立大學校院畢業生就學貸款償還機制與負擔之研究訪談大綱」。根據文件與訪談資料分析結果,本研究歸納結論如下: 一、貸款總金額、償還規劃、工作收入、家人以及生活負擔是影響畢業生償還負擔的因素 二、未享有政府補助之畢業生,日後償還負擔較沉重 三、畢業生工作起薪較低,就學貸款償還負擔較沉重;畢業生認為合理且可負擔的比例,為收入的10%~15% 四、畢業生傾向按月分期償還貸款,只有少部分畢業生曾有部分償還及一次性清償經歷 五、就學貸款緩繳辦法以及償還宣導方面尚有改進空間 六、畢業生認同按收入比例型償還機制的收入級距型償還模式 七、我國現行償還機制與按收入比例型償還機制結合,更能符合畢業生實際償還情形


The purpose of this study is to analyze the higher education student loan repayment scheme and repayment burden of private higher education graduates in Taiwan, so as to make suggestions for future policy making. This research is based on documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews with private higher education graduates who have begun repaying their loans. Conclusions are as follows: 1.Total student loan amount, repayment planning, personal income, family assistance and living burden are the deciding factors of student loan repayment burden. 2.Graduates who did not receive any tuition grants from the government during their period of study experience a heavier repayment burden. 3.Graduates with low starting salary experience repayment burdens that are higher than what they deem reasonable. 4.Graduates prefer making monthly repayments than paying off the loan at once. 5.Measures are needed to improve the repayment extension scheme and to make sure loan borrowers understand the repayment terms. 6.Graduates are accepting of the idea of an income-contingent loan repayment scheme with a percentage that varies with the salary level. 7.A combination of the current loan repayment system with the income-contingent loan repayment scheme may better meet the needs of the higher education graduates in Taiwan.


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