  • 學位論文


The Research and Development of Virtual Reality Based Multi-users Fire Evacuation Simulation System

指導教授 : 洪文斌


本文將在虛擬實境(Virtual Reality, VR)技術的基礎上提供一個支持多使用者同時在線使用同一火災場景的逃生疏散模擬系統。相較於一般常規的火災逃生演練需要佔用公共空間,並且需要使用大量道具且和實際火災場景有一定差異的情況,本系統利用虛擬實境高臨場感和互動性的特點,還原更加真實的火災逃生場景。為了增加在公共場合中的火災逃生情景的真實性,本系統透過使用Client/Sever的形式,能夠支援多使用者同時處於同一個場景,並且使用者間可以互相看到彼此的情況。同時,為了讓一般民眾也能夠使用本系統,本系統採用Google Cardboard虛擬實境設備以及使用Android移動平台來運行,使本系統能夠在學校、辦公場所等快速的進行部署和使用,帶給一般民眾更加深刻和有計劃性的火災逃生演練模擬。在考量過數個火災情景後,本系統預設載入的火災逃生場景為大學圖書館,本系統採用簡化的基於時間控制的火焰/煙霧擴散模型來預先設定火災發生的情景和提供更加生動的火焰、煙霧擴散模擬,使用者必須在有限的時間內避開火焰以及煙霧,達到場景中指定的出口,以完成火焰逃生演練的目的。


虛擬實境 火災 疏散 模擬


In this paper, we proposed a virtual reality based multi-user fire evacuation simulation system. As the traditional fire evacuation simulation in practical situation needs lots of props and may not do well in the reduction of scene, our system provides high simulation and well sense of immediacy by using virtual reality. In order to improve the facticity of our system, we mentioned a multi-user ways by using the Client/Server which promote multiple users to join in the same scene of fire evacuation simulation. The users can see and interact with each other. With the will to generalize our system to public, we designed our system based on Google Cardboard and Android platform. So the system can be widely used in many places such as schools and offices, bringing a more immersive and well-planned fire evacuation simulation. After considering several fire simulation scene, we decided to choose the situation which happens in a library of campus. In the system, we will try to provide a vivid fire scene with simplified dynamic fire and smoke model based on time-control. The users must try to avoid getting into fire or smoke, and try to make their ways to exclusive from the library. After that, we believe the users will get an impressive fire evacuation experience.


Virtual Reality Fire Evacuation Simulation


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