  • 學位論文


The Research of Cultural Market and Local Identity: A Study of the Tian-mu Life Market

指導教授 : 許傳陽


天母生活市集為地區性市集也是當地新地景,創辦人為台灣藝術市集協會理事長,2008年經由天母商圈發展協會自行接手,目的是促進天母商圈發展以及凝聚在地居民的意識與認同感。天母生活市集的活動是否實際達成效果,在參與市集的行動者眼中天母生活市集是否形成該認同感。本研究以採行質化研究的方式,已深入了解地景的建構與及影響。其主要研究問題為:1.天母居民的地方認同為何?2.天母生活市集對行動者象徵意義為何?3.行動者對於天母生活市集認同感為何?因此,做為文化生產者以及在文化場域的消費者如何共同形成地方認同,並產生歸屬感。   本研究由文化傳播的角度看待居民認同。訪談梳理之後,研究結論為總體來說,居民地方認同與對生活環境的滿意度,不代表認同地區性活動,除非實際參與才能感受該活動傳播的文化意念與集體的意識與情感,變成特殊的文化空間場域作為該天母人的文化資本。天母居民的確對該地區有強烈的認同感且喜好程度高。由於大眾媒體與社會輿論對天母居民的刻板印象,使得他們在呈現居住身分時會顯得保守,較不敢於表態地方認同,表達實際上居住生活環境因素並非經濟能力多寡,而是從小居住地。天母生活市集文化多年的傳播之下,市集的地理環境與活動分為逐漸與天母居民形成一種空間上的認同感,亦從長久居住在此地的歸屬感,延伸成為一種與其他地區不同的主體空間,專屬於天母地區居民的經濟、社會、文化生活認同感。


Tianmu life market is not only a regional market but also a new local landscape, founded by the director of Art and Lifestyle Association of Taiwan. In 2008, the market was operated by Tianmu Marketplace Development Association. The purpose of the market is to boost the development of Tianmu marketplace and promote the local identity for this area. This research looked into the actual effects of Tianmu life market and if its agency of the “market”. Using qualitative research method, this research surveyed the structure and influence of the landscape. The research questions are: 1. What were of place identity for Tianmu of Tianmu residents? 2. What’s the symbolic meaning created by Tianmu life market? 3. What’s the degree of identity for Tianmu life market of the agency? The culture makers and the consumers in cultural place reach the same identity of this place, and begin to have belongingness. This research viewed place identity from the perspective of cultural communication. After the interviews, the overall conclusion of the research is that the satisfactory degree that Tianmu folks have for their living environment doesn’t equal to their participations in this market activity. The cultural idea, group consciousness, and affection spread by the activity can’t be felt without actual participation. Being a special cultural space, Tianmu life market has become the cultural capital of Tianmu residents. Indeed, some of Tianmu residents have strong identity for this region and love this region. People have negative stereotype for Tianmu residents due to the mass media and the public opinion. That’s why they seem shy when being asked where they lived. With years of cultural spreading, however, Tianmu residents gradually cultivate an unique identity both for the geographical environment and the atmosphere of Tianmu life market. This sense of belongingness also extends to a main space, which is different from other community and only belongs to the economy, society, and cultural identity in Tianmu.


