  • 學位論文


Discourse on city landmark of urban space: the case of the Taipei 101 Tower

指導教授 : 吳錫德


舉凡世界上重要的城市都有一個代表性的城市地標,城市地標在當代城市景觀之中是一個相當重要的城市元素,在城市意象的構成中亦佔有不可或缺的地位,地標即是我們記憶一個城市的視覺標誌。一個地標建築之所以能夠成為一個城市的代表並非偶然,它不僅要受到當地居民的認同,還要成為外地人對該城市的代表印象。一個成功的城市地標承載著城市的文化與精神,讓人一見到就能立即聯想到該城市,更是城市行銷時的最佳代言人,因此世界各大都會無不紛紛藉由打造一個獨特的地標來形塑城市形象。 本論文從列斐伏爾的「空間三元論」的理論基礎上,分析台灣的首席地標「台北101」,作為一個城市地標在空間中的生產過程,從客觀的物理性質、到空間的組織方式,從建築的設計考量到空間的秩序與權力的關係,接著是使用者在生活中接受「台北101」對感官的刺激,與實際進入空間產生的主觀感受,發現城市地標的生產與它所處的社會環境緊緊相關,地標會受到不同時空背景下政治、經濟與人民的期待等而有所變化。 本論文透過觀察凝視行為所產生的「再現空間」,來探索生活中習而不察的社會現象,經由這個現象來理解空間中的再生產。另外,科技的進步讓凝視行為不再侷限於親眼目睹,打破時空限制,不論何時何地都能夠進行凝視並對此產生再現空間,同時也暴露在二手凝視的危機。以資本主義下的城市生產的問題為討論內容,思考以城市地標能作為城市形象的真實性,並整理出「台北101」在政治、經濟、社會三個層面的再生產現象提出討論,在享受城市地標帶來各種的益處之外,也要承受城市地標所帶來的隱憂。


Every landmark reflects its local culture and it can be a symbol of a city, and also shown the advances in technology, communicate with other countries. The research is about how a landmark be produced in the urban space with real case. First of all, introduce the features and functions of landmark with Kevin Lynch, The Image Of The City. And discus about the relationship with landmark and urban space. Using a landmark as a urban image for advertisements and marketing. The main idea for The Production of Space, the most influential of urban theory of Henri Lefebvre. Lefebvre's argument in The Production of Space is that space is a social production; it will base on values, and the social production of meanings which affects spatial practices and perceptions. He thought the process show the space produced also serves as a tool of thought and of action. In addition to being a means of production it is also a means of control, and hence of domination, and power. The most famous landmark in Taiwan is Taipei 101, its postmodernist approach to style incorporates traditional design elements and gives them modern treatments. The tower is designed to withstand typhoons and earthquakes. Fireworks launched from Taipei 101 features prominently in international New Year's Eve broadcasts and the structure appears frequently in travel literature and international media. It is more than a remarkable technological achievement; it symbolizes the growth and economic prosperity of Taiwan and stands as an invitation to the rest of the world to do business and to sightsee.


吳美滿,《城市地標視覺圖像轉換與虛擬實境設計運用 -以台南市赤崁樓古蹟為例》,台南:崑山科技大學視覺傳達設計研究所,2004。
