  • 學位論文


A Case Study of School Marketing Strategies for a New High School

指導教授 : 潘慧玲


本研究以學校行銷管理的觀點,探討一所新設立的高中如何在資源有限,且招生激烈的教育市場競爭中推動學校行銷的過程與內容,包含其擬定學校行銷策略的前置作業,學校的外部、內部與互動行銷策略及其運作,其所遭遇之困境與因應等。 本研究以一位校長、三位主任、三位教師、六位學生及二位家長共十五人為對象進行訪談,輔以文件分析及現場觀察,並將所蒐集資料進行統整分析,研究發現學校善用行銷管理「規劃、執行、控制」的程序可使學校行銷的推動事半功倍。 本研究之結論如下: 壹、個案學校透過學校情勢分析,確立學校行銷目標,擬定市場區隔、選 擇目標市場與定位進行學校行銷策略的前置作業。 貳、個案學校行銷策略的運作採外部、內部與互動行銷三方並行,外部行銷善用4P策略。 一、產品策略主打雙語教學,提供優質師資、設備與特色課程。 二、價格策略強調「公校收費,私校品質」及免費假日課程。 三、通路策略提供學生方便運用的軟硬體設備;「策略聯盟」分享資源創 造共好。 四、推廣策略採多元做法,提升形象與口碑。 參、個案學校的內部行銷策略為遴選優秀教師與行政人員並提升其專業知能。 肆、個案學校透過相輔相成的互動行銷策略與內部、外部行銷策略,與家長、社區良性互動,建立口碑。 伍、內外環境因素造成個案學校行銷之困境。 陸、個案學校運用行銷控制突破行銷之困境。  最後根據本研究發現與結論,針對主管教育行政機關、個案學校、後續研究提出相關建議。


The study, using the perspective of school marketing management, explores how a new high school promoted school marketing, including the preparation work of the school marketing strategy, its external, internal and interactive marketing strategies, its plight and how the school coped with it in the fiercely competitive education market with limited resources . The research methods included interviews with a principal, 3 directors, 3 teachers, 6 students and 2 parents. Document analysis and field observation were also used. It was found that the school marketing promotion could be more efficient if the school could make good use of “planning, execution and control” procedure of marketing management. The research conclusions are listed below: 1. The case school did the preparation work of its marketing strategy by analyzing its situation, establishing its marketing objective, conducting market segmentation, selecting the target market and positioning itself. 2. The external, internal and interactive marketing strategies were used by the case school, and 4P strategies were used for the external marketing. (1)The product strategy was featured with the bilingual education and providing high quality teachers, equipment and special courses. (2)The price strategy emphasized “charge at the rate of public schools and provide teaching quality of private schools” and free holiday courses. (3)The channel strategy provided students with software and hardware convenient to use; “strategic alliance” sharing resources for common good. (4)The promotion strategy took a multifaceted approach to improve its image. 3. The internal marketing strategy of the case school was to select prominent teachers and administrative staff and improve their professional knowledge and skills. 4. The case school interacted with parents and the community positively and built reputation using the interactive marketing strategy, internal and external marketing strategies that complemented each other. 5. The internal and external environment factors caused hardship for the case school. 6. The case school used marketing control to get out of the marketing dilemma.




