  • 學位論文


Exploring the Factors Influencing the Organizational Commitment of Dispatched Workers to Dispatching Agency and User Enterprise- A Case of National Health Insurance Administration’s Call Center

指導教授 : 王居卿


近年來,政府部門在「組織及員額」之精簡與「業務擴充」的矛盾困境下,已開始運用派遣人力,將非屬於核心業務的行政事務委外辦理。使用勞動派遣雖可節省用人成本及增加人力運用的彈性,但也有負面的影響,如派遣人員缺乏工作安全感、欠缺組織承諾及對要派機構的認同感等,因此衍生了人員高流動率的問題。根據過去學者的研究,政府機關使用派遣人力有可能影響其組織承諾進而影響對外服務品質。 本研究以單一政府部門-健保署客服中心-為研究個案,以客服中心派遣客服人員的組織承諾為依變項,以工作特性、工作滿意度與教育訓練滿意度為自變項,探討它們之間的關係。另外,本研究亦對派遣客服人員對要派機構與派遣機構的組織承諾進行差異性檢定。最後,根據研究結果提出建議,以作為個案機關運用派遣人力人力資源管理的參考。 本研究針對健保署所屬六個客服中心派遣客服人員進行問卷普查,再透過敘述性統計分析、信度分析、相關分析、迴歸分析、T檢定、單因子變異數ANOVA分析及成對樣本T檢定去進行資料分析,結果有下列重要發現: 一、派遣客服人員知覺之工作完整性與工作回饋性對要派機構之組織承諾有顯著的正向影響。 二、派遣客服人員工作滿意度對要派機構之組織承諾有顯著的正向影響。 三、派遣客服人員教育訓練滿意度對要派機構之組織承諾有顯著的正向影響。 四、派遣客服人員知覺之工作完整性與工作回饋性對工作滿意度有顯著的正向影響。 五、派遣客服人員教育訓練滿意度對工作滿意度有顯著的正向影響。 六、派遣客服人員之工作特性的知覺程度會透過工作滿意度的中介去影響要派機構之組織承諾。 七、派遣客服人員教育訓練滿意度會透過工作滿意度的中介去影響要派機構之組織承諾。 八、派遣客服人員對要派機構之組織承諾比對派遣機構的還要高。


Under the dilemma between the downsizing of organization and expansion of business in government operations, related institutions have being utilized the dispatched workers and outsource administrative affairs which belonged to non-core business. Although the adoption of dispatched workers can reduce personnel costs and increase the flexibility of manpower utilization, it also has negative influences--for example, dispatched workers are lack of job security, organizational commitment, and user enterprise identity--which result in the high turnover rate. According to previous researches, the utilization of dispatched workers by government institution may affect workers’ organizational commitment, and then affect the external service quality delivered. This research chooses a single government department- National Health Insurance Administration’s Call Center -as the case, and uses the Call Center’s dispatched worker’s organizational commitment as the dependent variable, and job characteristic, job satisfaction and training satisfaction as the independent variables to investigate the relationships among them. In addition, this research also conducted difference test on the Call Center dispatched worker’s organizational commitment to user enterprise and dispatching agency. Finally, some suggestions were submitted based on the research findings that can be referenced for the utilization of dispatched workers and human resource management by the case organization. This research makes questionnaire surveys on dispatched workers in six National Health Insurance Administration’s Call Centers, and then performs data analysis through Descriptive Statistics Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Regression Analysis, T Test, One Way ANOVA and Paired-Samples T Test. There are following important findings in this study : 1.Call Center dispatched worker’s perception of task identity and work feedback have significant positive effects on organizational commitment to user enterprise. 2.Call Center dispatched worker’s job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on organizational commitment to user enterprise. 3.Call Center dispatched worker’s training satisfaction has a significant positive effect on organizational commitment to user enterprise. 4.Call Center dispatched worker’s perception of task identity and work feedback have significant positive effects on job satisfaction. 5.Call Center dispatched worker’s training satisfaction has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction. 6.Call Center dispatched worker’s perception of job characteristic will affect organizational commitment to user enterprise through job satisfaction. 7.Call Center dispatched worker’s training satisfaction will affect organizational commitment to user enterprise through job satisfaction. 8.Call Center dispatched workers’ organizational commitment to user enterprise is higher than to dispatching agency.


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李功皓、陳啟斌、王則人(2014)。派遣人員工作特性、工作滿足對工作績效之影響以激勵制度與工作擴大化為調節變項-以C電信公司為例。科際整合管理研討會,(17),477 - 493。
