  • 學位論文


Eastern Partnership Program of EU: Background, Dilemma and Influence

指導教授 : 鄭欽模


兩次的俄烏斷氣衝突使歐洲的天然氣供應被切斷,影響著歐盟的能源安全;白俄羅斯侵犯人權與破壞民主自由,烏克蘭親西與親俄撕裂了國家的完整,摩爾多瓦親西與摩共的紛亂以及俄羅斯駐軍問題,喬治亞與俄羅斯的領土戰爭,亞塞拜然與亞美尼亞雙方的領土糾紛等;種種問題困擾著歐盟邊境安全。 歐盟藉由能源共同體和興建納布科管線來解決能源安全問題,提出東方夥伴計畫來達成邊境的穩定;但是土耳其位於納布科管線的重要樞紐,地中海聯盟與睦鄰政策也使計畫效力遞減;歐盟內部成員不團結與各自利益的盤算將使政策更難達成共識。 政策也使俄羅斯加強對傳統勢力範圍的作用力,結合能源和軍事力量去影響東方夥伴國,甚至利用能源外交與歐盟成員國建立能源夥伴,建立歐亞聯盟與歐盟相抗衡,達到恢復大國的願景。在兩強的平衡中,東方夥伴國如何各自謀求利益最大化。


Conflict between Russia and Ukraine, natural gas export to Europe were cut off twice and affect EU's energy security. Violations of human rights, democracy and freedom in Belarus. Pro-Western and Pro-Russian Ukrainians split country into two rival sides. Pro-West, Pro-Russian and the Russian garrison issues in Moldova. Territorial war between Russia and Georgia. Azerbaijan and Armenia territorial war. EU worried about their security at border. By the EU Energy Community and the construction of Nabucco pipeline to protect their energy security . The Eastern Partnership plan to achieve stability in the border. However, Turkey is located in an important position on the route of Nabucco pipeline. The Mediterranean Union and the European Neighborhood Policy decrease Eastern Partnership's in effect. Member of the EU disunity and their interests different, then, policy will be the deuce to pay. Policy wake Russian up and add their force into own traditional area, combined with the energy and military power to influence the Eastern Partnership countries. Even use of energy diplomacy with Members of the EU to set up energy partnerships. Russian organize the Eurasian Union to resist EU invasion, hope to become one of the great powers in the world. Between the Russian and EU, how the Eastern Partnership countries to seek maximum of their benefits.


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