  • 學位論文


Inheritance and Change of Xi Jinping’s Taiwan Policy after The Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China

指導教授 : 潘錫堂
共同指導教授 : 龔春生


對臺政策從早期毛澤東時期,以「武力解放」臺灣為目標,到鄧小平時期的「和平統一、一國兩制」,中共對臺政策不斷的靈活變化,而中國大陸自從1978年以來,歷經三十多年的改革開放高速發展,中國大陸在各方面綜合實力及國際影響力相較過去持續大幅增長,兩岸現況已不再是臺灣過去獨占鰲頭的局面。 中國共產黨於2012年11月8日在北京召開「中國共產黨第十八次全國代表大會」,以習近平為首的中共中央第五代領導集體於「十八大」形成,在對臺政策方面,中國大陸始終堅持「一個中國原則」,並以「和平統一」臺灣為目標,由於「和平統一」不可能立即達成,而是需要採取循序漸進的方式,以習近平為首的中共中央第五代領導集體,除了延續這兩項對臺政策基本方針之外,也致力推動兩岸關係和平發展,持續鞏固深化兩岸關係,以為將來「和平統一」臺灣減少阻力、創造充分條件,並且在臺灣馬英九承認「九二共識」的情況下,兩岸關係大幅好轉,局勢不再像陳水扁時期緊張,兩岸進入自1949年以來難得的歷史機遇期,兩岸雙方牢牢把握這段難得的歷史機遇,促進雙方交流來往,在承認「九二共識」的前提下,雙方完成簽屬多項協議,增進了兩岸民眾的利益福祉,促進了各領域的交流合作,並且於2015年11月7日馬英九與習近平在新加坡會面,達成自1949年兩岸分治以來,雙方領導人首次會面,未來中國大陸將會持續追求綜合實力的增長,而隨著兩岸局勢及內外部環境因素的改變,中共對臺政策又將會如何變化,值得予以關注。


Policy towards Taiwan introduced by the Communist Party of China is continuously and flexibly changed from 「Liberation of Taiwan by Force」in early-stage Mao Zedong period to「Peaceful Reunification, One Country and Two Systems」in Deng Xiaoping period. However, since 1978, Chinese Mainland has experienced rapid development of Reform and Opening up for more than thirty years, thus Chinese Mainland is increasingly and largely developed for comprehensive strength in all aspects with its international influence compared with past years. Therefore, cross-strait relations have been changed, and situation that Taiwan holds the palm won’t appear any more. The Communist Party of China held「The Eighteenth National People’s Congress of the Communist Party of China」in Beijing on November 8, 2012 and the fifth leading group of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China led by Xi Jinping was formed in「The Eighteenth National People’s Congress」. For policy towards Taiwan, Chinese Mainland always insists on 「one-China Principle」and regards 「Peaceful Reunification of Taiwan」as the goal. Since 「Peaceful Reunification」cannot be achieved immediately, it is necessary to adopt the step-by-step method. Except for continuation of these two basic policies towards Taiwan, the fifth leading group led by Xi Jinping is also engaged in peaceful development of cross-strait relations as well as continuously consolidates and deepens the cross-strait relations in order to reduce resistance and create sufficient conditions for future「Peaceful Reunification of Taiwan」. In addition, in the case that Taiwan Ma Ying-jeou admits「1992 consensus」, cross-strait relations are significantly improved and the situation isn’t so intense like in Chen Shui-bian period. Chinese Mainland and Taiwan usher in god-given opportunity period in the history since 1949 and both parties tightly grasp the rare historic opportunity to promote their communications and contact. On the premise of admitting「1992 consensus」, two parties sign several agreements to increase interests and welfare of cross-strait people and to promote communication and cooperation in all fields. In addition, on November 7, 2015, Ma Ying-jeou met Xi Jinping in Singapore, which is the first meeting between leaders of two parties since cross-strait separation in 1949. With changes of cross-strait situation as well as of internal and external environmental factors, it is worth concerning how policy towards Taiwan introduced by the Communist Party of China will be changed.


1. 劉世傑,中共第五代領導人習近平暨「十八大」政策路線分析(臺北:淡江大學中國大陸研究所碩士論文,2013年,6月)。
7. 中華人民共和國國務院新聞辦公室,網址:http://www.scio.gov.cn/
8. 中華人民共和國國務院臺灣事務辦公室,網址:http://www.gwytb.gov.cn/
壹、 專書


