  • 學位論文


A study on the development of the Belt and Road and influences of U.S. policy by the Communist Party of China

指導教授 : 張五岳
共同指導教授 : 顏建發


2012年11月15日,在中共第十八次全國代表大會上,習近平接任胡錦濤,成為新一任中央委員會總書記,並出任中央軍事委員會主席,然而,習近平上任後,中共正面臨著「內憂外患」,內憂有經濟增速逐漸趨緩,以及嚴重的貪腐風氣等問題,外患則有美國「重返亞洲」政策影響與東海、南海等海上疆域問題待解,尤以南海在東協、日本、印度及美國等多國各自盤算下,欲使南海問題國際化,使得中共在面臨南海問題上更為棘手。為維護中共在亞洲的利益與影響力,並避免美國「重返亞洲」戰略造成排擠效應,以及確保海上運輸如能源、糧食等安全,在地理位置上,使得中南半島上的東南亞各國、南亞國家、以及中亞地區皆成為中共在外交夥伴拉攏上的兵家必爭之地,為此,習近平於 2013 年 9 月出訪哈薩克,首次提出共同建設道路聯通、貿易暢通與貨幣流通的「絲綢之路經濟帶」倡議。同年 10 月習近平出訪印尼,提出應加強與東協國家互聯互通建設,盼共建「21世紀海上絲綢之路」。此二者合稱為「一帶一路」的構想,被視為中國意圖擴大政經版圖及國際影響力、主導世界的戰略行動,此構想亦被稱之為「中國版馬歇爾計畫」,但其崛起過程已被美國視為在亞洲地區的威脅,並可能損及美國在亞洲的利益,為此美國利用外交、軍事演習或經濟同盟等手段,希藉此削弱中共在亞太地區的影響力。


In November 15, 2012, at the 18th National Congress and the CPC, Xi Jinping succeeded Hu Jintao, become the general secretary of the Central Committee , and served as chairman of the Central Military Commission, however, after Xi Jinping took office, the CPC is facing "internal and external problems "there are worries within the economic growth gradually slowed down, and serious atmosphere of corruption and other issues, on the other hand, foreign aggression the United States' return to Asia" policy influence the East China sea, South China sea and other territorial issues to be solved, especially in the South China sea, ASEAN, Japan, India, United States and other countries under their plan, purports to internationalize the South China Sea, making the Chinese Communist Party on the South China Sea issue facing even more difficult. To safeguard the interests of the CCP and influence in Asia, and to avoid the United States"return to Asia"strategy caused crowding out effects, and to ensure that maritime transport such as energy, food security, etc., geographically, so that Southeast Asia on Indochina countries, South Asian countries and the Central Asia countries are becoming a battleground on foreign partners to draw, to that end, Xi Jinping visit to Kazakhstan in September 2013, first proposed to build roads Unicom, trade flow and circulation of money "Silk Road Economy Belt"initiative. In October, Xi Jinping visit Indonesia proposes ASEAN countries should strengthen the construction of interconnection, hope to build "21st Century Maritime Silk Road." This both collectively referred to as "the Belt and Road"strategy, is regarded as China's intentions to expand the territory and international political and economic influence, the world leading strategic action, this idea was also called "Chinese version of the Marshall plan", but the process has been the rise of the United States as a threat in Asia, and could hurt US interests in Asia, for United States to use diplomatic, military exercises or economic union to weakening the influence in the Asia-Pacific region.


熊玠,〈解讀歐巴馬走訪東亞及中國之用意與成效〉,《海峽評論》,第228 期(2011 年2月號),
杜默譯,Fareed Zakaria著,後美國世界,城邦文化,2008年。


