  • 學位論文


The Information Practice of Older Volunteers: A Case Study of I-Kuan Tao Masters

指導教授 : 王美玉


本研究旨在探討銀髮族一貫道天職人員參與宗教志願服務之工作任務,及每一項任務所牽涉資訊實務之情形,並歸納研究對象尋求資訊之管道。 本研究採用半結構式深度訪談法做為資料蒐集方式,本研究先採立意取樣,以淡水區一貫道佛堂為出發點,尋找適合的研究對象,並利用滾雪球法尋找其他符合條件之受訪者,共訪談八位銀髮族一貫道天職人員。 本研究結果顯示,受訪者共有13種任務,包括「宗教禮節與儀式」、「渡化」、「關懷道親」、「帶班及輔導人員」、「讀經推廣」、「督導」、「培訓道場人員」與「活動時程及人事安排」、「講課」、「諮商」、「課程規劃」、「出國開荒」與「統籌道務發展」;分屬簡單型、例行型與決策型任務。簡單型任務並未需要資訊輔助,故不會產生資訊實務,而執行例行型與決策型任務除了運用到McKenzie所提出的四項資訊實務:主動尋求、主動瀏覽、非直接監測與代理外,亦發現「個人經驗」、「開會」、「一貫道訓文」及「顯化」等其他資訊實務。 本研究發現出銀髮族一貫道天職人員最常運用的資訊實務分別為「主動尋求」、「代理」與「個人經驗」,最少運用到的資訊實務則為「一貫道訓文」及「顯化」,並且具有五項特色:(1)依賴且信任道場資源;(2)重視資訊分享與交流;(3)例行型任務比決策型任務更注重個人經驗;(4)開會是取得資訊的重要途徑;(五)神靈啟示之資訊實務。本研究也整理研究對象獲取資訊的管道,包括書籍、人際關係、專業人員、電影及影音資料、網路資源及手機。 本研究根據上述發現對一貫道培訓單位提出下列建議:一、定期評估銀髮族天職人員所需之資訊;二、開設資訊科技相關課程;三、設置一貫道的綜合網站。此外,對於未來研究之建議,建議應該注重具體宗教任務之資訊實務,或是特定地理區域的一貫道佛堂進行研究,而未來銀髮族一貫道天職人員運用網路與資訊科技的情形亦是值得探討的議題。


The purpose of this study is to explore the task and information practice of the senior I-Kuan Tao masters in religious volunteer service. This study adopted a semi-structured interview method to collect data, and the researcher interviewed eight I-Kuan Tao masters. This study used purposive sampling and snowball sampling methods to find respondents from I-Kuan Tao Temple of Tamsui district. The findings of this study demonstrate respondents have thirteen tasks, including religious ceremonies, Dù huà(missionary work), caring for Dao members, the promotion of the classics reading, supervision and guidance, personnel training, activities & personnel arrangements, lecturing, consultation, curriculum planning, foreign extension developers and co-ordination of I-Kuan Tao development which are classified as simple mission, routine mission and decision mission. When respondents work at the simple mission level, they don’t need information support so it won’t generate information practices. As for the routine mission and decision mission levels, respondents not only applied the information practice model of McKenzie, but also revealed other information practices such as personal experience, meeting, I-Kuan Tao holy revelations and spiritual assistances. This result found that I-Kuan Tao masters were frequently used active seeking, by proxy and personal experience as their information practices. The I-Kuan Tao holy revelations and spiritual assistances were not a large part of information practices. This study also found that the information practices of respondents had five features: (1) Respondents trust the resources of Dao Centre; (2) Respondents value the importance of information sharing and exchange; (3) The routine mission puts more emphasis on personal experience than the decision mission; (4) Meeting is a crucial channel for information acquisition; (5) Information practices involve the gods. The information channels of respondents include books, interpersonal relationships, professionals, film & audio-visual materials, network resources and mobile phone. According to the above findings, there are some suggestions for the training units of I-Kuan Tao masters, and also recommendations for future research. 1. Suggestions proposed for the training units of I-Kuan Tao masters: a) Assessing I-Kuan Tao masters’ information needs regularly. b) Offering the IT-related courses which are applicable to work. c) Building an integrated platform of network resources. 2. Recommendations proposed for future research: a) Future research should focus on the information practices of specific work missions or local temples in specific areas. b) The utilization of computer network technology by I-Kuan Tao masters should seriously be considered in the future.


