  • 學位論文


Recognition Differences between Dynamic and Static Emoticons Using EEG Measurements

指導教授 : 吳錦波


網路即時通訊發展迅速,人們溝通的橋梁由過往的書信轉型為網際網路的溝通,即時通訊的流行,也隨著時代的演變,現今的即時通訊軟體種類繁多,其中人們對於表情貼圖的使用,已成為時下流行的趨勢。貼圖係由舊有的表情符號演變而成,透過這些表情符號、貼圖等,讓人們能夠用快速且簡便的方式表達自身情緒。而近年來學者採用電子儀器進行實驗研究,以瞭解人類對於各種刺激所產生的生理反應。有鑑於此,本研究透過腦波儀與時下最流行的LINE貼圖進行實驗,以了解受測者接受LINE貼圖刺激後的腦波反應。 本研究目的在於探討使用者腦波對於動態與靜態表情貼圖的影響,透過腦波測量實驗的方式,讓使用者受到動態表情貼圖及靜態表情貼圖的刺激並回答問題,再藉由腦波圖(EEG)進行分析,同時本研究以社會臨場感的觀點進行分析解釋。有鑑於過去學者對於腦波研究,多數以β波為研究核心,然而本研究採用θ波作為研究基礎,欲了解受測者接受刺激後,θ波是否也會有所變化。研究結果發現:一、受試者受到動態表情貼圖後,與收到靜態貼圖的θ波有明顯的差異,當使用者接收到資訊較豐富的貼圖時,腦部受到的反應及刺激較大;二、受試者對於負向貼圖所產生之θ波,明顯高於正向貼圖所產生之數值,表示受測者接收負向情緒貼圖時,腦部受到的反應及刺激較收到正向貼圖的大;三、男性使用者對於貼圖所感受的刺激,較女性使用者明顯較高。本研究結果預期將可作為表情貼圖及腦波相關研究之參考。


Instant messaging is developing rapidly on the internet. The tools of communication have been transformed from letters to internet messaging. Even the trends of instant messaging are evolving with time. There is a wide variety of instant messaging software, and the use of emoticons has become a popular one. Emoticons that people use nowadays come from older style emotion symbols. Through the emoticons, people have a rapid and simple way to express their emotions. Recently, researchers use electronic measuring instruments to test and to understand various kinds of human physiological reactions. So our group uses brainwave instruments and the popular LINE emoticons to conduct experiments. Through these experiments we try to understand the users' brainwave reaction after having stimulations from LINE emoticons. The aim of this study is to explore the effects of dynamic and static emoticons on the users' brainwave. This study has used EEG analysis and also the viewpoints of the social presence theory to explain the data. We have obtained three conclusions from this study. First, we find that when users receive dynamic and static emoticons, the brainwaves of the users are significantly different. The performance point from dynamic emoticons is higher than that from the static ones. Second, when users receive positive and negative emoticons , the performance point from negative emoticons is higher than that from the positive ones. Third, male and female users have quite different performance. Male users have higher scores than female users after receiving the emoticons. Above all, the results of this study will be referential to other research in this area. According to “TKU Personal Information Management Policy Declaration“, the personal information collected on this form is limited to this application only. This form will be destroyed directly over the deadline of reservations.


EEG Emoticons Social Presence


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