  • 學位論文


Using Smart Bracelet to Establish a Labor Overfatigued Assessment Analysis System

指導教授 : 陳瑞發


在我國於103年7月施行職業安全衛生法,擴大適用範圍,涵蓋各業所有工作者外,也增列了職場健康管理相關規範,根據《職業安全衛生法》雇主須對輪班、夜間或長時間工作等異常工作負荷,雇主若未採取相關措施,經通知限期改善,屆期未改善,將可處3萬元到15萬元罰鍰,若因此導致勞工有職業病,最高可罰30萬元。 然而,國內職業安全衛生法方面並沒有一套完整對於勞工身心健康的管理系統,在缺少系統化的連結和管理,導致雇主難以掌握整體員工的身心狀況,面臨人力上的不足。因此,本研究預期藉由結合過勞問卷與智慧型裝置找到影響受試者心血管疾病或過勞的關聯性因子,作為勞工過勞警訊基準,以協助企業在有限人力及資源下,適時調整工作量、休假,藉此降低員工過勞發生機率,提升工作效率,避免非必要的罰鍰。 本研究主要目的為建立一個pilot study做為先導性研究,希望可以讓勞工運用智慧型穿戴裝置及問卷回饋的方式,進而提早預警勞工的身心狀況,使勞工能自我評估工作與身體情況,降低過勞發生機率。透過這先導性研究驗證職場勞工智慧型健康偵測方式的可行性,並做為未來相關研究的參考依據。


AD July 2014, the Executive Yuan to expand the scope of Occupational Safety and Health Act, covering all workers in all industries, but also added a new workplace health management related specifications. According to the "Occupational Safety and Health Act," employers are required to work abnormal shift, night or load such as long working hours, employers should plan and take necessary measures for safety and health of employees. If employers do not take measures to improve, fail to make improvements in deadline, will be fined 30,000 yuan to 150,000 yuan, if the worker has occupational disease leading to maximum fine 300,000 yuan. However, in terms of domestic Occupational Safety and Health Act does not have a complete management system for physical and mental health workers. In the absence of systematic links and management, resulting in employers difficult to grasp the overall physical and mental health of employees, faced with lack of manpower on. therefore, this research to combine the questionnaire with the smart wear device to find the impact of cardiovascular disease or fatigue factors, as a labor fatigue alarm baseline to help enterprises in the lack of manpower, the timely adjustment of staff workload, leave, to reduce the incidence of employee fatigue, improve work efficiency, avoid unnecessary fines. The main purpose of this project is to conduct pilot study, hoping to enable workers to use smart wear devices and feedback by means of questionnaires, thus early warning workers of mental and physical conditions, so that workers can self-assess the work and physical condition, Incidence of labor. This pilot study validates the feasibility of a smart health detection system for the workplace and serves as a reference for future plans.


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