  • 學位論文


The study of affecting factors in the M bank branch managers’ advancement

指導教授 : 吳坤山


在銀行從業人員裡,大部分職員都是從基層經辦,一步一腳印的逐階往上爬,靠著年資以及經驗的累積獲得晉升至領組、襄理甚至是副理等職務,但是在銀行生涯之中能被重用拔擢成為經理的卻是少數,其中的差異到底在哪裡?是哪種專業能力或是因素能夠讓行員較有機會被遴選拔擢成為經理?而銀行主管們在提拔經理時又重視經理候選人具備何種條件能力呢?本研究將深入了解M銀行員工晉升成為分行經理時其所須具備之個人特質及能力。 本研究針對近期晉升成為M銀行的經理人進行半結構式訪問,訪問內容區分為「當初自己被提拔升為經理的原因」及「假設受訪者為副總經理時,在晉升部屬為經理的過程,會考慮哪些原因」兩種不同視野,並針對8個因素構面及38個能力準則的描述進行調查分析。 在詢問受訪者當初被提拔升為經理的原因,前三名因素構面如下:最重要為工作能力、其次為工作態度、再者為專業技能,最重要的準則為專業知識。在假設受訪者為副總經理時,在晉升部屬為經理的過程,會考慮哪些原因,前三名因素構面如下:最重要為工作能力、其次為工作態度、再者為個人特質,最重要的準則細項則為部屬與主管互動的狀況。 依據上述結論,可了解在M銀行員工晉升成為分行經理須具備之個人特質及能力,或可歸納出其上司主管及人資單位在審查、挑選人才時之依據,以供有企圖心成為銀行經理人之後進指導方針,並增裕人力資源領域相關之實務研究成果。


Some bank employees are promoted to junior manager or deputy manager in their career, only a few of them can be promoted to branch managers. What is the difference between them? What personal abilities or characteristics can be applied to help employees more likely be pormoted to branch managers? What factors do supervisors value most when they decide who can be promoted to branch managers? In this study, we will conduct an in-depth understanding of affecting factors to branch managers’ advancement. The semi-structured interview focuses on employees in M bank who are promoted to branch managers recently. We conduct interview in two different points of view, “what factors affect you to be promoted to branch managers?” and “assume you are vice president, what factors do you value most when deciding who can be branch managers?” There will be 8 factors and 38 sub-factors in the access the content. First part, “what factors affect you to be promoted to branch managers”? The most important three factors are: Working abilities, working attitide, and professional skills. The most important sub-factors is professional knowledges. Second part, “assume you are vice president, what factors do you value most when deciding who can be branch managers?” The most important three factors are: Working abilities, working attitide, and individual trait. The most important sub-factors is the relationship with supervisors. According to the empirical resluts, we can understand affecting factors in the M bank branch managers’ advancement, and provide useful information to bank employees who have an ambition in their career.


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