  • 學位論文


Study on Rational Water Consumption In Semiconductor Industry

指導教授 : 虞國興 張麗秋


台灣早期工業用水,主要掌握以大範圍用水情形為主,民國65年,水資會訂定地區製造業9種類別每公頃每日用水標準;72年,重新修正標準將類別增訂至20種;92年,水利署對各產業區域推估標準進行彙整,發現歷年來台灣工業用水,皆採用單位面積用水量指標為主;103年,水利署於用水計畫書審查要點附件三中,將台灣重要新興產業資料彙整,並提出單位面積用水量、單位產品用水量兩大類型指標建議值。 主要轉變是因近年來國內產業陸續轉型,非傳統產業為主之工廠越來越多,政府發現歷年採用的單位面積用水量指標已不敷使用。因此,為了更精確評估工業用水量,政府近年來積極推動工業用水應朝向更實際之個別工廠或範圍之合理用水指標統計與描述數據為主。如台灣近年來電子產業的興起,發現電子廠房大多比傳統廠房占地面積小,若採用過往的單位面積用水量進行推估,容易造成推估過於粗放、不夠具有合理性等問題。 為了解決此問題,本研究參考了中國大陸及英國相關文獻。包含中國大陸工業企業取水編制通則、中國大陸各大產業取水定額標準以及英國依賴直接抽象的工業用水優化利用等國外文獻;而國內部分,主要則參考了早期水資源規劃委員會的彙整結果,以及103年的用水計畫書審查管理要點(已廢止,106年已訂定用水計畫書審查管理辦法作為新法,但指標部分未作變動),來了解國內外產業採用之用水量指標及指標訂定模式。並進一步對國內半導體產業進行研究,以問卷調查以及實地訪查等方式蒐集資料,配合統計分析之分群法、Kolmogorov-Smirnov檢定法進行資料檢定,最後再用四分位法,提出更具合理性之用水範圍及用水建議值標準,供後續作為參考使用。


Early industrial water consumption in Taiwan was mainly dominated by large-scale water use. In 1976 , Water Resources Planning Commission set the standard of daily water consumption per hectare in 9 categories. In 1983, the revised standard increased the category to 20.In 2003, the Water Resources Agency found that the water consumption of Taiwan industry was mainly based on the water consumption per unit area in the past years. In 2014, the Water Resources Agency specializes the water plan review points in annex 3, collect the important emerging industries information in Taiwan, and put forward the water consumption per unit area water consumption per unit product for two types of indicators suggest value. Major shift is due to the gradually transition in recent years, more and more of the Non-traditional industry show up.The government found that all index of water consumption per unit area does not apply to use.As a result, in order to more accurate assessment of industrial water consumption, the government actively promote industrial water in recent years.Towards more practical individual factories or range of reasonable water use index statistics and describe data.Such as in recent years the rise of the electronic industry in Taiwan,most of electronic factory than traditional workshop covers an area of small, if using the past to estimate water consumption per unit area, easy to cause the estimate is too extensive to be reasonable. To solve this problem, this study makes references to Chinese and British literature contains industrial enterprises in China water preparation of general principles of the industrial water quota standards in China and the Optimum Use of Water for Industry on Direct Abstraction in UK Dependent to optimize the utilization of foreign literature. And the domestic part, reference the results collect by the Water Resources Planning Commission, as well as the water plan review management of 2014 (already abolished, in 2017 has set water plan review management approach as the new law, but the index part did not make changes).To understand the industry of the domestic and abroad adopt the water consumption index and the index set of mode.Further study of the domestic semiconductor industry, collecting data by questionnaire survey and field visit.Next,check whether the data is normal distribution using by the group-dividing method and Kolmogorov-smirnov test.And finally, a four-point method is used to propose a more reasonable standard for water use and water recommendation, which can be used as a reference.


1. Optimum Use of Water for Industry and Agriculture Dependent on Direct Abstration,1998,WS Atkins Ltd & Cranfield UniversityR&D Technical Report W157,p34-89
2. 易任,1990,「主成分分析與群集分析應用於雨量空間分布之研究」,國科會專題報告研究計畫成果(NSC79-0410-E002-06)
3. 易任、葉惠中,1990,「主成分分析與群集分析應用於雨量空間分布之研究」,易任論文集,549-563
4. 戴紫燕、袁子恭、龙期泰、文大化、周平生、祖玉亭,1990,「企業用水平衡與測試通則」,全國能源基礎與管理標準化技術委員會
