  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationships among Junior High School Students’ Personal Background, Behavior, Motivation and Addiction of Internet Usage in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 何俐安


本研究旨在瞭解新北市國中生網路使用動機、網路使用行為與網路成癮之現況,分析國中生的個人背景與網路使用動機、網路成癮之差異情形,以及探討網路使用動機對網路成癮的預測效果。本研究採問卷調查法,根據文獻探討與相關實證之研究結果設計問卷,以新北市公立國中普通班學生為研究對象(N=442)進行問卷調查,回收問卷數據以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析與事後多重比較、皮爾森相關積差、多元逐步回歸等方式進行統計分析與討論。 本研究之結論為: 一、 新北市國中學生網路使用動機以消遣娛樂動機為主 二、 新北市國中學生最常使用的網路功能為網路連線遊戲,線上即時通訊軟體次之 三、 新北市國中學生網路成癮的問題令人擔憂,男生高於女生,九年級高於七、八年級 四、 不同性別、年級之新北市國中學生對網路使用動機部份構面有 顯著差異 五、 不同年級、家庭結構之新北市國中學生對網路成癮有顯著差異 六、 新北市國中學生網路使用年資越長、時數越多,網路成癮的傾向越高 七、 網路使用動機對網路成癮有正向顯著預測力


This study aims to understand the current states of junior high shool students’ motivations, behaviors, and addiction of internet usage in New Taipei City. It further analyzes the differences among junior high school students’ personal backgrounds, motivation and addiction of internet usage. Moreover, it examines whether motivation of usage could predict internet addiction. This is a survey research using a questionnaire, designed based on literature review and related empirical studies, to collect data. The questionnaires were distributed to the junior high school students in New Taipei City, and 442 valid questionnaires were collected. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, t-test, on-way ANONA, Pearson correlation, and multiple stepwise regression analysis. Then the collected data were analyzed and discussed. The study concludes the following: 1. Entertainment was the main motivation of Internet usage. 2. On-line games was the main internet activity, followed by instant messenger events. 3. There was a significant difference in the degree of the internet addiction. The rate of the male students' internet addiction was higher than that of the female students. The addiction degree of the 9th-grade students was highest. 4. In terms of motivation, there was a significant difference between different genders and grades on the motivation of usage. 5. In terms of internet addiction, there was a significant difference between different grades and family structures on the internet addiction. 6. The longer time and years the student had online, the higher internet addicted tendency was. 7. Motivation of Internet usage had a significant and positive ability to predict Internet addiction.


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