  • 學位論文


The Study of the Effect of Experiential Marketing, Service Quality, Corporate Image on Customer Loyalty–using Chunghwa Telecom as an example

指導教授 : 李旭華


全球科技日新月異,智慧型產品蓬勃發展,電信業為了因應電信市場的變化及顧客多元的需求,電信商品從基礎的通訊產品,擴展到各式附加業務,然而電信產業商品大同小異、替代性高,加上消費者產品資訊取得容易,電信產業間競爭越見激烈。因此,如果只想單純依靠產品功能、價格促銷等傳統行銷模式,已無法吸引顧客消費,必須重新思考有效的營運模式;透過與顧客的互動,找出消費者真正渴望的經驗;提升服務品質,提供顧客優質的消費體驗,塑造有魅力的企業形象,才能夠在市場中脫穎而出。 本研究以中華電信顧客為調查對象,總計回收有效問卷共253 份。本研究以「服務品質」、「體驗行銷」、「企業形象」,依變項為「顧客忠誠度」共四項變數,探討四項變數之間的關聯。以供中華電信台北營運處門市營運管理之參考。 根據設立的研究假設,從問卷樣本回收後取得資料,以SPSS統計分析軟體進行統計分析,以研究體驗行銷、服務品質、企業形象及顧客忠誠度間的影響。


Global technologies are changing with each passing day, and smart products are booming. In order to respond to changes in the telecommunications market and multiple demands from customers , telecommunications products have been extended from basic communications products to various additional services. However, telecommunications industry has similar products and high substitutability and customers are easy to get product information , and the competition among telecommunications industry became fiercer. Therefore, if we only want to rely solely on product features , price promotions and other traditional marketing models, the customers can no longer be attracted , we must rethink effective business models, through interactions with customers to find out what consumers really want by improving service quality. Providing customers with high-quality consumer experience and creating attractive corporate image can make the campany stand out in the market. This study uses Chunghwa Telecom customers as the survey objects, and a total of 253 valid questionnaires are collected. This study explored the relationship between four variables ,based on four variables of “service quality,” “experience marketing,” and “corporate image,” and “customer loyalty.” According to the research hypothesis , the data obtained from the questionnaire samples was retrieved and statistical analysis was performed using SPSS statistical analysis software. In this research, the relationship among “Experiential Marketing”, “Service Quality”, “Corporate Image” on “Customer Loyalty”–Chunghwa Telecom as an example.


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