  • 學位論文


Combination of Elderly Concentrated Homes and School Idle Dormitory

指導教授 : 鄭晃二


本研究的目的是設計一個高齡者集中住宅與學校閒置宿舍結合的計畫。為了減少高齡者獨居的可能,以及學校宿舍的閒置,將高齡者集中共同居住於學校的閒置宿舍。因現今在台灣的社會慢慢轉向小家庭結構,子女離開父母外出工作,或不結婚不生子,造成高齡者被迫必須獨自生活照顧自己或送往養護機構,但台灣的養護機構分佈不均,高齡者也不願進駐於養護機構;則因少子化的關係,造成許多大學因招生不足面臨許多問題,學校的宿舍閒置則是其中之一。因此,希望藉由本次的研究結果,針對台灣的高齡者提出多一項養老的居住空間,並能有效的解決學校閒置的宿舍空間。 本研究所探討的問題為: (一) 如何降低高齡者因獨居而造成的意外風險 (二) 如何將學校閒置宿舍改善於適用高齡者的空間 (三) 如何設計適合高齡者與大學生及幼童互動的空間 (四) 如何有效空間使高齡者願意進駐 本研究方法先分析高齡者多半不願意外出的原因、高齡者外出的目的及最常外出的地點為何,再分析適合高齡者居住的空間,在不同層面上須做那些設計或改善。將高齡者常外出的地點集中,並改善高齡者不願外出的原因,來提升高齡者出門的意願;再將適合高齡者居住的空間集中,並增設不同機能與不同年齡層族群互動生活,來降低高齡者獨居易發生的危險;空間上採用通用設計的空間性原則,將空間及傢俱規劃上設計合適的尺寸進行初步的研究。


This research aims to design a project that includes the jointing of the co-living residence for elderly with vacant dormitories of school. The main intentions are to reduce the rate of solitary elderly as well as to solve the problem of vacant dormitory in school area; reallocating the elderly to be accommodating in the vacant dormitory. In according to Taiwan nowadays societal change of family growing smaller in size with decreasing fertility rate, and grown children leaving their parent off for career, or even reducing the marriage rate and birth rate, contributing to the parents-abandoning issue that causes solitary elderly or sent to relevant authorities for professional help. Nevertheless, the retirement homes in Taiwan are insufficient and most elderly refuse to enter so for respective reasons. In addition to the issue of decreasing birth rate in Taiwan, many universities generally face the difficulties of enrolling enough freshmen and this leads to many vacant dormitories in school. Hence, this research is carried out to suggest alternative options for elderly to accommodate after retirement besides efficiently solving the idle spaces in school dormitories. The objectives of this research: 1. To decrease the accidental risk and danger of solitary elderly while being home alone 2. To discuss the design approaches to improve the spaces of idle school dormitories for fitting the living requirement of elderly 3. To design spaces that are suitable for the interaction of elderly, university students and kids 4. To efficiently plan and arrange the spaces to attract elderly for accommodation The research methodology will be carried out for analyzing the reasons of elderly who seldom leave their home, the factors of elderly who would step out of their home and their frequent visiting spots; then to interpret the living spaces that are fit for elderly before planning any design approaches or improvement in all aspects for them. After focusing the suitable living spaces of elderly in one place, different programs and functions can be added to improve the living and interaction for different age group of people which subsequently decreases the risk and accidents of solitary elderly. By emphasizing on spatial design approaches and principles, further research has been done on space requirement, furniture planning and human ergonomic theories.


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