  • 學位論文


The Foreign Relations between China and Vietnam (1975-2017)

指導教授 : 林若雩


越南從1975年統一南北越後對於中國的外交政策上有極大轉變,從原本「兄弟加同志」的友好外交關係,轉變為對中國採取「反中」的外交關係。造成當時越南選擇於1975年與中國反目之主要原因,除外在的國際因素外,還有內在越南本身強烈的民族主義,對中國的自卑感轉為對中國的敵視與防衛心,加上中國強烈反對越南的區域霸權理想,讓越南果斷的選擇支持它完成區域霸權慾望的蘇聯,選擇「反中」的外交政策。越南更在當地實行排華政策,欺壓當地華人,同時以強硬手段和中國爭取南海的島礁。越南在1978年入侵柬埔寨後,隔年中國立即向越南宣戰,發動「懲越」戰爭。   冷戰末期,蘇聯減少對越南的支援,美國對越南實行國際經濟制裁,導致越南饋經濟困苦,越南於1986年改革開放、調整對外之政策,並開始主動修復與中國的外交關係。1991年越軍正式從柬埔寨撤出,中越兩國關係走向正常化。越南在1986-2000年對於中國的外交政策轉為「互利」的外交關係,開始與中國在政治、經濟、國土安全等多方面合作,創造互利之狀態。   邁入新世紀後,越南對中國的外交政策轉為「亦敵亦友」外交關係,持續原本的互利關係,但在經濟和南海主權的競爭關係更為明顯。越南則以大國平衡的外交手段,與美國、日本、俄羅斯合作,提升自我在經濟的優勢,以及在南海競爭的軍事實力,同時透過與大國的軍演合作,來防衛中國的軍事威脅,同時牽制中國在南海的行為,維持越中兩國「亦敵亦友」的微妙外交關係。


越南 中國


When the North Vietnam has unified South Vietnam in 1975, Vietnam's foreign policy towards China had a bigger changed. The China- Vietnam bilateral diplomatic relations changed from the friendly to the opposing. The main reasons why it had been causing the opposing diplomatic relations between Vietnam and China in 1975 were the international factors、Vietnam's strong nationalism that let it sense change from inferiority to distracting China. Additionally, China rejected the Vietnam's dream of regional domination, let Vietnam chose decisively the former U.S.S.R. rather than China. There were the events of the anti-Chinese happened in Vietnam and bullied the Chinese who lived in Vietnam;besides, Vietnam took the high profit method to fight the islands with China in the South China Sea. China declared war against Vietnam after the Vietnam intruded Cambodia in 1978.   The former U.S.S.R. reduced providing the goods and money to Vietnam and the U.S.A. executed economic sanctions to Vietnam caused Vietnam to become a poverty country. In 1986, let Vietnam has reformed and opened it door to the whole world, switched the diplomatic policy and repaired the diplomatic relations with China. In 1991 The Vietnamese army left Cambodia, the bilateral foreign relations between China and Vietnam became normalization. The same year, Vietnam and China built formal relations politically, economically, and socially.   Entering the new century, Vietnam become the both friend and enemy diplomatic relations with China. They have been continuing their cooperation, but they have the obviously competitive relations in economic and the South China Sea issue. Vietnam keep the Major powers to check and balance America、Japan and Russia for promoting its economic interest and military power in the South China Sea that prevents China's military threat and maintains the both friend and enemy diplomatic relations between China and Vietnam.


Vietnam China


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