  • 學位論文


A Study of Facing Negative News of The National Army, The Relationships Among Spiritual Leadership, Cynicism and The Retaining Intention in The National Army.

指導教授 : 黃曼琴


媒體新聞大篇幅報導,表示現今年輕一代就是「不願役」!年輕人從軍意願低。根據調查,過去3年有超過1千名預備役人員因逃避「教召」,也就是退伍後的軍事集合訓練,而遭起訴。現在只要跟軍方有關的事物,多數人都選擇逃避。國軍單位自徵兵制轉型募兵制到目前為止,面臨到兵源不足的問題,除了對外部招募之外,對於現役的軍官、士官、士兵之留任意願也應該重視,而什麼樣的原因會影響現役國軍官士兵的留任意願呢?本論文透過新聞媒體報導之國軍負面新聞,加以整理並分類為內部管理、個人違紀行為與演訓及工作失慎等三類,藉此了解是否負面新聞會造成國軍官士兵的犬儒主義,進一步的影響留任意願;再者,又是哪一種類型的國軍負面新聞所產生的犬儒主義最為明顯,產生犬儒主義之後是否會影響留任意願。 本研究加入靈性領導為干擾變數,藉此瞭解國軍單位之中,是否靈性領導的出現可以對犬儒主義產生作用,在面對留任意願時有正向之影響,希望透過研究瞭解靈性領導的干擾程度。 本研究回收之有效樣本共計460份,本研究探討之重點負面新聞對於犬儒主義、留任意願之影響以及靈性領導對於犬儒主義、留任意願之干擾作用,經由系統將有效樣本分析後得到驗證,研究最後針對所得出之結果加以分析並給予改進建議。


國軍 犬儒主義 靈性領導


Media news reports that the younger generation is "unwilling to serve"! Young people have low willingness to join the army. According to the survey, more than 1,000 reservists in the past three years have been prosecuted for escaping from "teaching," that is, military training after retiring. Most people now choose to escape as long as they are related to the military. Up to now, the national military unit has been facing the problem of insufficient military resources. In addition to external recruitment, it is also important to pay attention to the military officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers who are active, and what causes the active countries. What are the wishes of the officers and soldiers? This paper analyzes and classifies the negative news of the national army through the news media into three categories: internal management, personal misconduct and training, and work insanity, so as to understand whether negative news will cause cynicism of national officers and soldiers. Further influence will leave any wish; in addition, which type of national army's negative news produces the most cynicism, and whether it will affect any ambition after cynicism. This study joins the spiritual leadership as the interference variable, so as to understand whether the emergence of spiritual leadership in the national military units can have a positive effect on cynicism, and it has a positive influence in the face of any wish, and hopes to understand spiritual leadership through research. The degree of interference. A total of 460 valid samples were collected in this study. The main negative news of this study is the impact of cynicism on cynicism, the desire to stay free, and the role of spiritual leadership in cynicism, leaving any willingness to be verified by systematic analysis of valid samples. Analyze the results obtained and give suggestions for improvement.


Army Cynicism Spiritual leadership


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