  • 學位論文


The mainland policy and cross-strait relationship during the region of Ma Ying-jeou (2008-2016)

指導教授 : 潘錫堂
共同指導教授 : 龔春生(Chuen-Sheng Gung)


2008年、2012年兩屆總統大選,均由中國國民黨提名的馬英九先生得到選民的認可,順利拿下了失去八年的執政權,且都達到行政及立法均屬於同一政黨的完全執政局面,成為中華民國第十二任及第十三任總統。 馬英九就任總統後,兩岸關係從此進入一嶄新的局面,如同進入一個柳暗花明又一村的新格局。不同於陳水扁政府時期的「四不一沒有」、「廢統」、「一邊一國」論,主張「九二共識」是兩岸關係發展的關鍵;兩岸關係的發展與「九二共識」相合則旺、相離則傷、相反則盪,且其用以降低與中國大陸之間的衝突,強化兩岸交流及簽訂海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議以強化臺灣競爭力。馬英九政府執政時期的兩岸論述,以兩岸的政治互信之基礎,對抗威脅,造福臺灣,使兩岸得以維持和平;不僅使兩岸關係有所改善,更使這種和平紅利外溢到國際關係。馬政府時期的大陸政策確保兩岸穩定發展的關係,更維持了8年的和平與繁榮。


In the 2008 and 2012 presidential election year, Mr. Ma Ying-jeou, nominated by the Chinese Nationalist Party, was approved by the voter. He successfully won the ruling power for eight years, achieved a complete ruling situation where both the executive and the legislation, and served as the 12th and 13th President of the Republic of China. After Ma Ying-jeou became president, the cross-strait relationship entered a new situation and appeared vitality. In different to the claims of the "Four Nos and One Nothing", "Abolition of Unification", and "One Side, One Country" during the regime of Chen Shui-bian, Ma Ying-jeou advocated that the "1992 consensus" was the key point to the development of the cross-strait relationship. The development of cross-strait relationship depended upon the "1992 consensus", if Taiwan and Mainland China all agree on it, the relationship will be prosperous. However, the relationship will be hurt or swing under both sides diverged from "1992 consensus". By the cross-strait exchanges and economic cooperation framework agreements, those can strengthen Taiwan’s competitiveness and reduce conflicts with Mainland China. Based on cross-strait political mutual trust, the dissertation of the Ma Ying-jeou authority confronted threats, benefited Taiwan, and promoted the cross-strait peace. It not only improved the cross-strait relationship but also generated peace dividends which brought benefit to international relations. Ma Ying-jeou’s mainland policies ensured the development of the cross-strait relationship and maintained the eight years of peace and prosperity.


何景榮譯,Peter Burnham, Karin Gilland, Wyn Grant and Zig Layton-Henry著,《政治學方法論暨研究法》(臺北縣:韋伯文化國際出版有限公司,2008年3月),頁211。
林泉忠,《誰是中國人: 透視臺灣人與香港人的身份認同》,台北市:時報文化出版,2017年9月,頁65-68。
