  • 學位論文


Exploring the Effect of consumers exercise frequency to Green food purchase intention

指導教授 : 牛涵錚


環境的變遷與氣候的異常讓消費者察覺到,過去多年對地球造成難以挽回的傷害,也漸漸感受到大自然的反撲,加上黑心商品層出不窮,蠶食鯨吞著消費者的健康,這也讓消費者意識到環境保護的重要,開始重視綠色商品。 本研究首先,從運動的角度作為出發,以運動頻率的高低為核心,探究由運動所帶來的健康觀念,是否會在追求健康意識的同時,選購對環境以及自身健康的食品,來維護自身以及大自然。 因此本研究將運動和綠色做結合,想要了解有運動習慣的消費者是否會對綠色食品擁有較高的評價,並進一步地探討運動是否能使消費者對於環境保有著更高的責任感,強化消費者對購買的意願。 本研究研究對象以台灣本島及離島居民,回收592份,採用有效樣本531份,使用AMOS 21.0以及SPSS 22.0進行信效度檢驗以及統計分析並檢視本研究假設。因此,經由分析結果發現: 消費者的購買意願,由健康意識、環境意識以及綠色食品態度到綠色自我認同產生影響,而加入環境意識和健康意識能夠有效的調節規律運動者綠色食品態度到綠色自我認同中的關係,並且運動習慣的有無也能在綠色購買意願上產生不同。 最後,根據本研究結果,若是持續的運動,能夠有效影響到身體的健康程度、環境以及對綠色食品購買意願的重要因素。因此,養成運動習慣,能夠使自身健康多一份保障,也能成為環境保護的一份子,還能增強對綠色食品的購買意願。


Environmental changes and climate anomalies have made consumers aware that the past years have caused irreparable harm to the earth, and they have gradually felt the counterattack of nature. In addition, the emergence of tainted food has endangered the health of consumers. Aware of the importance of environmental protection, they began to attach importance to green commodities. Therefore, this study combines sports and green concern, and wants to understand whether consumers with sports habits will have a higher evaluation of green food. Further, to explore whether sports can make consumers have a higher sense of responsibility for environmental protection and strengthen Consumers' willingness to buy. In this study, 592 questionnaires were collected, and 531 valid samples were used. AMOS 21.0 and SPSS 22.0 were adopting for reliability and validity tests and statistical analysis and to examine the hypothesis of this study. Therefore, the analysis found that: Consumers' willingness to buy is affected by health awareness, environmental awareness, and green food attitudes to green self--identity. Adding environmental awareness and health awareness can effectively regulate the relationship between regular athletes' green food attitudes and green self--identity, and maintain The presence or absence of exercise habits can also make a difference in green purchase intentions. Finally, according to the results of this study, continuous exercise is an important factor that can directly affect the health of the body, the environment, and the willingness to purchase green food. Therefore, cultivating exercise habits can provide more protection for one's own health, can also become a part of environmental protection, and can increase the willingness to buy green food.


施國森、楊昌斌、陳妤瑄、黃凱琳、張世沛 (2017)。臺灣大學生規律運動普遍不足。大專體育學刊,19(3),255-271。
